

2002/9--2006/7 湖北经济学院 工商管理 本科 工商管理学士学位

2003/8 驾驶执照(C照)
2002/1 计算机中级(98分)
2004/6 大学英语四级
2005/12 助理人力资源师三级
2008/2 人力资源师二级

2006/6--2008/11:湖北力天世纪投资有限公司人力资源部 人事经理
1、 负责公司阶段性招聘、培训计划;
2、 负责各职能部门关系的协调与服务;
3、 负责公司劳资纠纷的协调、人事矛盾的解决处理;
4、 负责办理人才引进的各种相关手续;
5、 负责办公设备、办公用品及其它财产的申报审批工作;
6、 组织档案、文书、证章管理;
7、 参与制定公司整体薪酬管理、福利政策等制度;
8、 参与公司各项规章制度的制定和监督执行工作等。


2005/12--2006/5:湖北汇通电力投资有限责任公司 秘书

2004/7--2005/6:麦当劳快餐店 接待员和服务员

From an early age I developed a tradition of hard work, integrity codes, the entrepreneurial spirit through the practice of a three-year job, so I added a work of patience, be good at discovering and solving the problem. Now seeking an emphasis on staff and seeking stability and development of enterprises, if your company needs a subject to management, to observe rules and regulations have ground-breaking talent, then I will be confident of the candidates, I hope your company has the opportunity to grow and development

Education and experience:
Hubei 2002/9--2006/7 School of Economics, Business Administration undergraduate degree in Business Administration

Obtain the certificate:
2003 / 8 driver's license (C Chiu)
2002 / 1 computer Intermediate (98 points)
2004 / 6 College English 4
Assistant Human Resources Division 2005/12 3
2008 / 2 2 Division of Human Resources

Work experience:
2006/6--2008/11: Hubei Power Investment Co., Ltd.-day century, Human Resources Personnel Manager
Causes of separation: the company's financial position due to problems
I force-day job duties:
1, responsible for the company's stage of recruitment, training plans;
2, responsible for the coordination of the relationship between functional departments and services;
3, responsible for the coordination of labor disputes, personnel of the solution to deal with contradictions;
4, responsible for the introduction of a variety of personnel-related procedures;
5, responsible for office equipment, office supplies and other property declarations assessment and approval process;
6, organizing files, instruments, badge management;
7, involved in developing the company's overall remuneration of management, such as welfare policy system;
8, various rules and regulations involved in the formulation and monitoring the implementation of work.

I force-day job performance:
1, due to enterprise branch sales personnel in the loss of the more serious question, after investigation and study and analysis, completed a report on the "Enterprise of the reasons for the loss of sales analysis and reporting solution," the leadership of seniors, the attention and promotion;
2, set up a new set of applicable to the company's matching form: Employee leave alone, to dismiss the application form, positive staff application form, monthly attendance tables, etc.;
3, improve the administrative system (the provisions of seal use management, conference management system, material management regulations, the company provides vehicle management, attendance management system, mission management system);
4, perfect group's organizational structure to identify and distinguish between the powers and responsibilities of each functional department. Set up the pay scales for employees, employees of basic file, updating the staff list;
5, analysis of employee benefits, and motivate employees to do work;
6, train employees in their work and dedication of ownership, enhance cohesion.

2005/12--2006/5: Hubei Huitong Power Investment Limited Liability Company Secretary
1, to assist managers in day-to-day administrative management;
2, according to the manager job, the arrangement of foreign staff and managers to visit and meet with job;
3, written notices of meetings, meeting minutes, correspondence and report on the work of day-to-day
4, arrange business travel and do a good job ticket, hotel reservations and other job;
5, transmission, treatment-related documents and information company documents;
6, the manager of the Office of goods and document management.

2004/7--2005/6: McDonald's fast food restaurant receptionist and waiter
Target funds each month to complete, the general reception are per person per month to complete a small 1000-800 member or birthday party funding goal, and I generally available on schedule or ahead of target!
第1个回答  2009-02-25
Self introduction:
My childhood was hard-working, honest training rules and enterprising spirit, through three years of practice, I added the patience to work, good at finding and solving problems. Now is seeking a stable development, pay attention to employee of enterprise, if your company needs a obedience management, strict rules and regulations can have a pioneering talent, so I will be full of confidence and hope to have the opportunity to apply with your company growth and development together

2002-2006 July / / 9 of the industry of hubei economic management of business management bachelor degree

Obtain the certificate:
2003/8 driving license (C), 2002/1 intermediate (98) computer 2006/7/18 college English test band 4 December 2005 / hr assistant trainer triple February 2008 / human resources division level

Work experience:
June 2006-2008 / / 11: the days of hubei power investment limited company hr department personnel manager

Leaving reason:
because the company's financial situation I work in heaven: 1, responsible for planning, recruitment, training stages 2, responsible departments relations coordination and service, 3, responsible for the coordination and personnel Labour disputes the solution of the problem, Responsible for introducing talents, all sorts of relevant formalities, 5, responsible for office equipment, office equipment and other properties of the application for examination and approval work, 6, organize files, documents, badge management, 7 and participate in the company's overall salary management, welfare policy system; etc. 8 and participate in the company regulations formulated and oversee the implementation of work, etc.

I work performance in heaven:
Because of the enterprise, the loss of the branch sales personnel, after serious problem analysis and research on the finish a salesperson reasons of enterprise, analyzes and resolves the leader and get promotion, 2 and establish a new set of matching form the company applies, dismiss employees paid leave, application, application and monthly attendance employees obtainment of statistics, etc. 3 and perfect the administrative management system (seals use management regulations, management system, material management conference, company vehicle management regulations, attendance management system, business management system), 4, perfect company organization structure, and distinguishes each functional responsibilities. Employee compensation table, staff files, directories basic updates staff, 5 and analysis, and the employee welfare work; do employees incentive 6 work in the training employees, the master spirit and dedication, the enhancement enterprise cohesive force.

December 2005-2006 / may/hubei electric power investment, huitong limited liability company secretary 1, to assist the manager in the daily administrative affairs management, 2, according to the manager, nonnative personnel working arrangements with manager visits and work with, 3 and the meeting notice, meeting minutes, the daily mail reported and work 4 and arrange business travel, completes the ticket, hotel reservation work; etc. Five, the transmission, processing companies related files and documents, 6 and the manager's office articles and documents management.

In 2004-2005 July / / 6: McDonald's fast-food restaurants receptionist and waiters Every month to finish, general funding goals per month to complete a receptionist is 10-8 small member or a birthday party funding goals, I usually on time or finished goal!
第2个回答  2009-03-04
From an early age I developed a tradition of hard work, integrity codes, the entrepreneurial spirit through the practice of a three-year job, so I added a work of patience, be good at discovering and solving the problem. Now seeking an emphasis on staff and seeking stability and development of enterprises, if your company needs a subject to management, to observe rules and regulations have ground-breaking talent, then I will be confident of the candidates, I hope your company has the opportunity to grow and development

Education and experience:
Hubei 2002/9--2006/7 School of Economics, Business Administration undergraduate degree in Business Administration

Obtain the certificate:
2003 / 8 driver's license (C Chiu)
2002 / 1 computer Intermediate (98 points)
2004 / 6 College English 4
Assistant Human Resources Division 2005/12 3
2008 / 2 2 Division of Human Resources

Work experience:
2006/6--2008/11: Hubei Power Investment Co., Ltd.-day century, Human Resources Personnel Manager
Causes of separation: the company's financial position due to problems
I force-day job duties:
1, responsible for the company's stage of recruitment, training plans;
2, responsible for the coordination of the relationship between functional departments and services;
3, responsible for the coordination of labor disputes, personnel of the solution to deal with contradictions;
4, responsible for the introduction of a variety of personnel-related procedures;
5, responsible for office equipment, office supplies and other property declarations assessment and approval process;
6, organizing files, instruments, badge management;
7, involved in developing the company's overall remuneration of management, such as welfare policy system;
8, various rules and regulations involved in the formulation and monitoring the implementation of work.

I force-day job performance:
1, due to enterprise branch sales personnel in the loss of the more serious question, after investigation and study and analysis, completed a report on the "Enterprise of the reasons for the loss of sales analysis and reporting solution," the leadership of seniors, the attention and promotion;
2, set up a new set of applicable to the company's matching form: Employee leave alone, to dismiss the application form, positive staff application form, monthly attendance tables, etc.;
3, improve the administrative system (the provisions of seal use management, conference management system, material management regulations, the company provides vehicle management, attendance management system, mission management system);
4, improve the Group's organizational structure to identify and distinguish between the powers and responsibilities of each functional department. Set up the pay scales for employees, employees of basic file, updating the staff list;
5, analysis of employee benefits, and motivate employees to do work;
6, train employees in their work and dedication of ownership, enhance cohesion.

2005/12--2006/5: Hubei Huitong Power Investment Limited Liability Company Secretary
1, to assist managers in day-to-day administrative management;
2, according to the manager job, the arrangement of foreign staff and managers to visit and meet with job;
3, written notices of meetings, meetings, letters and report on the work of day-to-day
4, arranging business travel, to do a good job ticket, hotel reservations and other job;
5, transmission, treatment-related documents and information company documents;
6, the manager of the Office of goods and document management.
2004/7--2005/6: McDonald's fast food restaurant receptionist and waiter
Target funds each month to complete, the general reception are per person per month to complete Members 1000-800 or small birthday party funding goal, and I generally available on schedule or ahead of target!

