
2005.12~2006.1 国有资产监督管理委员会 体育赛事项目实习助理

第1个回答  2011-06-03
2005.12 ~ : January 2006 state-owned assets supervision and administration commission sports project practice assistant
Assist executive departments with some routine business, from each department know the procedure and operating cooperation way.
Research and collect all the major international sporting event information, according to the requirements of the project for material survey, classification.
Will collect information, sum up a perfect concise after the project report submitted to the project manager for events development and operation.
Before the start of the Olympic Games in Beijing in the table tennis event promotion activities as MC, receiving countries of guests.
The actual participation in international competition of tennis planning and promotion project project.
Back to Australia to Australia tennis tournament after makes a deep understanding and research, analyzes its tournament game management, undertake mode, each sponsor background and athletes transcript summary. For sports business development made certain contribution.

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