


第1个回答  2014-07-10
1, let's go to Australia this month. 2, she takes about two months to write a novel. 3, I'm going to the south next month. 4, most children think a month is a long time. 5, secretary why don't you join us? 6, if you want to have a good time to join us. 7, I refused to join them, because they often laugh at me. January 8, is the first month of the year. 9, February is the second month of the year? March 10, nanjing still cold? 11, may always have a lot of people in this town. April 12, has been very hot in the south. June 13, why my father is always very busy? July 14, the children do not have to go to school. In August 15, many kinds of fruits produced. September 16, cool again. 17 October, some countries have already very cold. Is November 18, next month? 19, December is the last month of the year. December 20, 22 is your birthday? No, my birthday is July 31st. Is 21, Saturday June 3rd? No, it is May 20th. 22 April 1, we still have to go to what place? 23, don't be late for class on September 1st. 24, I'm glad you're here. 25, I am willing to do anything for you. 26 and I'm glad to be your friend. 27, don't throw my brush away. 28, he often after we quarrel to throw my stuff (many) out. 29, I March 10 going to attend Helen's birthday party. Her birthday party is not in the March 16? 30 and jake have to attend a party next Friday. 31, jack often hold parties. 32, how much does it cost for a party? 33, she likes to stay at home on Sunday. 34, how long do you want me to stay in the south? It depends on how long do you plan to stay. 35, why do you want me to stay in the classroom after school? 36, I'm sorry, but I have no time to help you to do it. 37, I'm sorry, I don't want to join you. And, if he said he was sorry he don't scold him. 39, is it safe to travel in South Korea? 40 and July is too hot to travel. 41, I love travelling in the east of October. 42, the passenger is very like the French fries. 43, only one of those passengers who speak French. 44, the passengers refused to tell me his name. 45, that most of the passengers are all very happy to stay.
第2个回答  2014-07-10
In the global area (except Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan) Acting sales of insurance products; collect insurance agent;

agent insurance related business losses survey and claims; other business China CIRC approved.