
自从我开始课程以来,我越来越懂得如何进行research ,去各种展览和博物馆,找到更好的方法去提现final idea发展的过程.我也学到了很多技能,像workshop,用不同的金属,选择更适合的材料,现在我更加可以挑选最合适的材料去表现模型,使他展示起来更有力量.我也拓展了我的思维,可以想到一些更有趣的想法
我现在的课程是fashion accessory ,之前我学习了fashion,我认为我现在的课程结合了珠宝和时尚两方面,设计本来就是可以互相影响的,我热爱设计身体上的东西,所以我未来的目标还是做一个珠宝设计师或者时装设计师,
这次的project,我目标是做出比以往更有力量和更加精美的饰品,我会注重去做一件珠宝,项链或者耳环,大面积的或者单件,这次我会做更多的research 去拓展我的思维,去图书馆查阅相关的书籍,去不同的展览和博物馆是不可缺少的,还有再网上查阅,想出更好的idea,电影也会有许多灵感,presentation之后得到的feedback用journal记录下来,我会去workshop做一些样品,sketchbook上我会更加明确的表现出final idea发展的过程,并且画更多好的画和草图,为了最终的模型找不同的材料,选出最适合的集中材料去完成模型.
将进步和发展记录再journal上并随时调整,并且用sketchbook体现research的过程,通过sketching和sample model来查看final model的发展过程



Since I began the course, I got familiar with how to proceed the research. I went to various exhibition and museums to find better ways to show the development of final idea. I also have learnt a lot of skills, such as workshop, using different metals, choosing more suitable materials, now I am available to choose the most suitable material to show the model, making him more powerful and meanwhile I've explored my thinking which leads me to some more interesting thoughts.
I'm taking the course of fashion accessory, I've learnt fashion before and I think jewlery and fashion are well combined in my current course. The design has interact. I love to design the things we wear, so my future target is to be a jewlery designer or a fashion designer.
For this project, my goal is to make more powerful and more fancy accessory. I will focus on a piece of jewlery, like a necklace or earring, in big size or a single piece. This time, I'll do more reserach to expand my thinking. Doing research in liabrary and going to different exhibitions and museums are important, moreover, I'll do research on internet to have better idea, the movies will bring me inspirations also. I'll record down all the feedbacks in journal after presentation, and I'll make some samples in workshop. In sketchbook, I'll show the development of final idea more specifically with more better pictures and sketches, to find the right mateiral for the model.
I'll record the progress and development in journal and make realtime adjustment. I'll use sketchbook to show the process of research and check the final model through sketching and sample model.
第1个回答  2012-02-09
Since I started my course, I came to know better about how to research: to go to various displays and museums, trying to develop final ideas in better ways, during which period, I gained kinds of skills, such as workshop. Now I am good at choosing proper materials to display models, making them powerful and expanding my vision to get more interesting ideas.
I am now taking fashion accessory, before which I learned fashion. I believe the course now combines jewelry and fashion. Designs themselves can affect one another. I love designing items used for body. Therefore my goal is to be a jewelry designer or fashion designer.
My aim in this project is to design more powerful and delicate ornaments than before. I will be devoted to making a piece of jewel, a necklace or an ear ring, large or single item. And this time I will do more research to deep my thought, going to libraries, exhibitions and museums for reference, which are necessary. Surfing on the Internet to develop better ideas and films may inspire me. I will take the feedback down in my journal after presentation and I will process some samples in the workshop. On the sketchbook I will show more specificly the process of my final idea with more better drawings and sketch designs. For the final model I will choose the most proper material in various optionals.
I will get the improvement and development down on my journal for adjustment, and show the process of research with sketchbook. The development of final model will be vividly shown by sketching and sample modeling.