
I hate school, and my teacher is really disappoint at me, but I don’t care. Once I ripped up my text and used it for my art project, but I still got a “D”, which I was really glad about that. I went to a gallery, and copied one Picasso’s painting, and drew a pig head instead of a normal head and hung my picture beside it. And I still think that I am pretty good at singing too, because I taught Adele how to sing “Rolling in the deep”, but nobody believe that, including Obama and Steven Harper.
I can memorize the whole Good Book and every number of circumference ratio. I can live without food for a whole week, but still feel very energetic and can still run 10 miles without breaking a sweat. I can sleep for a whole winter just like hibernate. And I can keep my eyes open for 5 minutes without blinking.
I’ve been to 20 different countries and I can even swim from Shanghai to Vladivostok. I use a lead core for 2 months with more than 2000 words a day. I can wear a same shirt for a month but still clean and neat. I can wash 10 jackets in 2 minutes. And I always make my own clothes and shoes and sometimes I would sell them, and now I have a company of my own, which is Adidas.
You know I am not very rich. Till now, I only have 1 house in Canada, 2 cars in America,4 apartments in China, and 9 refuges in Libya. I donate 1 cent each time to Red Cross instead of donate a huge amount of money at once. Because then I can be on the donating board very often, and till now, I had 197 times to be on board, but you should know that I just only donated 1 dollar and 97 cents. My biggest wish is to have a iPhone 20, in order to achieve this wish, I had almost 800 phone calls to Steven Jobs. I was glad that he said he could do that in future at last, but as I was dreaming about iPad30, Steven Jobs died.
Many people said that I am a very humor person, and make them laugh all the time. But actually I don’t think I am, because I like to laugh, and make them laugh. Once I was on Kim Jong’s wedding, the emcee asked me to say something, and what I said was “the lobster was good” and “I wish Kim Jong would never ever break up”, but after I finished that, they were all laughing.
I think I should stop writing for now, because my mom just received a call from Queen Elizabeth, she asked me if I can attend her daughter’s wedding, and I’m still wondering what I could say.

第1个回答  2012-04-12
我讨厌上学,和我的老师真的令人失望着我,但我不在意。一次我撕碎了我的文本,它用于我的艺术项目,但我还是被"D",这真的高兴那件事。我去了一家画廊和复制一个毕加索的绘画、 并提请猪磁头,而不是一个正常的头和挂我在它旁边的图片。我仍然认为我是十分擅长唱歌太,因为我教的阿代尔如何唱"轧在深",但没有人相信,包括奥巴马和史蒂文 · 哈珀。
我可以记住整个好书和每个编号的圆周比率。我可以没有食物整整一个星期的生活,但仍感到非常精力充沛,季末可以仍然运行 10 英里。我可以睡就像冬眠的整个冬天。我可以睁开 5 分钟无闪烁。
我一直到 20 个不同的国家,我可以甚至游从上海到符拉迪沃斯托克。我用铅芯 2 个月用一天的 2000 多个词。一个月,但仍然整齐干净,我可以穿相同的衬衫。我可以在 2 分钟内洗 10 夹克。我总是让我自己的衣服和鞋子和有时我会卖掉他们,和现在我有我自己,这是阿迪达斯公司。
你知道我不是很丰富。到目前为止,仅有 1 家在加拿大、 美国 2 车、 4 的公寓,在中国及在利比亚 9 安全岛。捐 1 美分到红十字会而不是每次一次捐出巨额资金。因为很多时候,我可以捐助板上和到目前为止,我有 197 次上船,但你应该知道,我只是只捐出 1 美元 97 美分。我最大的愿望是让 iPhone 20,为了实现这个愿望,史蒂夫乔布斯的几乎 800 电话。我很高兴,他说他能做到在将来最后,但如我梦见 iPad30,史蒂夫乔布斯死了。
我觉得我应该停止写作现在,因为我妈妈刚接到一个电话从伊丽莎白女王,她问我是否我能出席婚礼,她的女儿和我说: 我还想。
第2个回答  2012-04-12