

Persist 意思是carry on, carry through
反义词: abandon, cease, give up, leave, quit, stop

Insist 意思是 order and expect; claim
反义词: endure, forget, tolerate

persist: to continue to do sth, although it's hard or other people oppose it 虽然某事很难,但坚持做某事
insist: to say firmly and often that sth is true, especially whe people thinks it is not. 虽然别人不同意,但坚持认为某事是对的。

To insist, is to make a point by speaking etc.
To persist is to continue doing something.

Persist and insist are actually considerably different in meaning. Insist means (roughly) "to strongly claim something", in simple terms. Persist means (again roughly) "to not give up in an action".

1. "He insisted he did not steal the car" - He is strongly claiming he didn't steal the car
2. "The woman refused to date him, but he persisted, and eventually dated her." - Persisted in this sense means he kept trying, he was continous.

第1个回答  2015-02-15
前者一般用于 客观事物 或某种状态的延迟 后者一般用于人的态度的坚持 例如 sb insist to do sth