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① 硝苯地平缓释片为抗心绞痛药。适用于高血压,心绞痛等疾病。

② 这类新制剂采用了先进的控制释药速率的制剂工艺,在体内药物缓慢地释放,明显改善了其药代动力学特点,故患者服药的顺应性提高。

③ 本文主要通过相似因子法考察几种市售硝苯地平缓释片的体外药物释放相似性,对释放曲线进行比较,从而了解此类药物在其降解过程中的释放规律以及它们的体外释放的相似性,为评估和控制药物质量和临床合理用药提供参考。
硝苯地平缓释片——Nifedipine sustained release tablets
抗心绞痛药——antianginal drugs
体外释放——release in vitro
相似因子(法)——the similarity factor


① nifedipine as anti-angina drug. For hypertension, angina and other diseases.

② these new agents using advanced control drug release rate of the preparation process, the slow release of drug in the body, significantly improved its pharmacokinetic characteristics, it is to improve patient medication compliance.

③ This paper investigated by several commercially available factor method similar to nifedipine in vitro drug release similarity comparison of the release curve to understand the degradation of these drugs in the release process of law, and their in vitro release similarity, for the assessment and control of drug quality and rational use of clinical reference.
第1个回答  2011-05-09
① nifedipine as anti-angina drug. For hypertension, angina and other diseases. ② these new agents using advanced control drug release rate of the preparation process, the slow release of drug in the body, significantly improved its pharmacokinetic characteristics, it is to improve patient medication compliance. ③ This paper investigated by several commercially available factor method similar to nifedipine in vitro drug release similarity comparison of the release curve to understand the degradation of these drugs in the release process of law, and their in vitro release similarity, for the assessment and control of drug quality and rational use of available clinical.
第2个回答  2011-05-09
1、Nifedipine sustained release tablets is a kind of anti-anginal drugs which is used for the treatment of hypertension, angina and other diseases.
2、These new formulations adopted new advanced preparation process technology which controls the drug release rate ,and makes the drugs release slowly in the body. This has improved its pharmacokinetic characteristics apparently and therefore, the medication compliance of the patients have been improved.