

(1) from the behavioral, cognitive and emotional three aspects of postgraduate procrastination behavior concept: not at a predetermined period to start or finish it should do, as though the anticipated negative consequences, still will work until the deadline or not complete the task of inefficient behavior, also contains irrational faith and will defer behavior rational thinking process, accompanied by anxiety, pain, guilt, regret, negative emotion, differ from those based on the order of priority of temporal co-ordination. Postgraduate procrastination behavior occurred in the field are: academic procrastination procrastination, daily life and delaying making the decision.

(2) caused by postgraduate procrastination behavior reasons: past experience, internal factors and external factors. The past experience includes early perfect image, family influence, habits and strengthen. Internal factors include: emotion, motivation and personality, time management skills, ability of self control. External factors include: the nature of the task and environmental reasons. Three factors can be caused by delay behavior, can also pass the interaction leads to procrastination, a factor to fuse the role of other factors. The past experience in the early formation of delay template at the same time, led to the fear of failure, fear of success, perfectionist personality and motivation is the internal factors of the components, internal factors in a certain extent and past experience. Past experience and internal factors to individual susceptibility with delay, when encountered with their ability to interest not matching task and external environmental interference, individual to avoid adverse emotions will shift their attention to other things, delay was used to complete the task of protecting self-esteem. Delay the emergence and the individual on should complete the task of cognitive do not match, the individual to adopt rational methods of avoiding cognitive dissonance caused pain, procrastination is to maintain and strengthen, individual in delay cycle.

(3) Postgraduate procrastination behavior, emotion, cognition from three aspects of the results, the results of which there are two positive and negative direction, individual hand for substandard task results the pain without self-confidence, another enjoy short and efficient task the peak experience and high self-esteem. To some extent, procrastination is the result of new delay behavior causes.

(4) the majority of graduate students for their delay delay behavior does not accept, trying to take the relevant measure of change, because of the internal and external factors, to take measures to deal with the difficult long-term and effective.

(5) Postgraduate delay behavior, reason, result and the coping strategies are interrelated and interacted part four, procrastination procrastination procrastination causes, results in some degree is the new delay behavior reasons, to change the procrastination behavior must take effective coping strategies.

(6) according to the delay cause of action, will graduate delay behavior is divided into task oriented environment oriented delay, delay, delay and habit of self-esteem oriented oriented delay four types, this division helps from graduate students understand their own procrastination behavior is the main cause of and for the improvement of procrastination behavior provides entry point.

(7) based on the analysis of Master graduate student procrastination behavior, cause and strategy on the basis of change, from the negative way of thinking, to alleviate the pressure of emotions and take active action three respects put forward to improve postgraduate procrastination suggestions.
第1个回答  2012-03-19
The definition of dilatory conduct on the concept of graduate from the three aspects of behavior, cognitive and emotional:Not start or finish at a predetermined period of knowing the things we should do it,also displays for although foresees the negative consequence ,still the matter be postponed until the deadline or can not complete the task of inefficient behavior,also contains the irrational beliefs and thought process will be postponed,trationalize,Accompanied by anxiety, pain, guilt, regret and other negative emotional experience,different from the co-ordination based on the time of the thing priorities.Areas where delays occur for graduates : Academic delay, the daily life of procrastination and delay making a decision.

