两个单词在含义上的区别 valley & canyon 请知道明细的朋友给讲一下吧

这两个词都有峡谷的意思 这个都知道 最初的时候我狭隘的理解是
canyon是那种非常广大的超级大峡谷 而valley是出去春游的那种中间有溪水的小峡谷 类似北京龙门碱等 但偶然发现了美国加洲的有个超级大峡谷叫 imperial valley 帝王谷后 我之前的狭隘的认知被自己颠覆了 我现在感觉这两种实在不是在大小上来区分的
请了解的朋友给点建议吧 如果还有起来类似的词 也请一同告知

valley n.山谷、流域、溪谷,来自古法语valee,来自拉丁语vallis,表示峡谷,比如美国加州高科技公司云集的the Silicon Valley硅谷和盛产葡萄酒的Napa Valley纳帕溪谷,再比如孕育了最早人类的The Great Rift Valley东非大裂谷。其实英语中有不少表达山谷、峡谷之类概念的单词,它们之间是有细微的差别的,比如:
  gorge n.山峡、峡谷、咽喉,如长江流域的the Three Gorges三峡;
  canyon n.峡谷,如美国举世闻名的the Grand Canyon大峡谷;
  dingle n.峡谷、幽谷,通常被茂密的森林植被覆盖;
  ravine n.沟壑、峡谷、山涧(多是被雨水等破坏和蹂躏后形成),想象下沟壑纵横的黄土高原。
第1个回答  2011-12-26
Interesting question!
A canyon is a narrow chasm with steep cliff walls, cut into the earth by running water; a gorge usually formed by the down-cutting of a river in a dry area where there is insufficient rainfall to erode the sides.

A valley is an elongated lowland between ranges of mountains, hills, or other uplands, often having a river or stream running along the bottom; also an extensive area of land drained or irrigated by a river system.

Canyons have steep, cliff-like walls or sides, while valleys have gently sloping sides.