你能,能帮个忙吗 帮我翻译下英文好吗,感谢



We can not arrive the hotel, because we have been occupied by other issues on that day. We can only check in on the 17th. Would you please help us to put off our reservation by one day? Thank you very much!

Best regards

第1个回答  2014-02-15
hi there

This is (你的名字). We are sorry to inform you that we couldn't arrive at the hotel on the 16th as previous arranged. We will arrive on the 17th, could we rearrange the booking?

Thank you
第1个回答  2014-02-15
We temporarily occupied 16 reach the hotel, No. 17 to get to the room, can push a late check-in;
Trouble to help a friend
第2个回答  2014-02-15
只是不解,为什么我的爱,到最后,最终成为受伤。 我唯一不明白的是,为什么我的爱,到最后,变得痛苦。
第3个回答  2014-02-15
because something has happened.we could not arrive to your hotel on 16th.would you mind to put it off for next day .