

产品行业:hairdryer买家询盘:Dear XX, Thank you for your email. I have not got a feedback from the end users yet. Kindly change my contact email to the following: XX Best Regards,
供应商回盘:Hello,XX, I’m sorry to push you again. I really don’t want to lose this chance of doing business with you and I’m sure I’m exactly the right person to help you to build your own brand in your country. Pls advise what’s going on with this project. I’m eager to know the test result of hairdryer sample . Your earliest answer will be highly appreciated, because it’s going to create great chance for you, as well as for me. B.R XX回盘备注:您好,老师, 情况是这样的,这位客户一个月前在我们的迪拜展会上买了样品 ,我发邮件问下他样品的测试结果,他的答复就是您看到的第一封回信。像这样的回复,是不是没有希望了呢?改如何跟进呢?请指教!专家点评:Hello,