
2008/09 ~ 2009/06 担任校学生会生活部干事
2009/09 ~ 2010/06 担任机械学院学术部干事
2010/03 ~ 2011/03 担任校乒乓社社长
2011/05 义务献血
2008/09 ~ 至今 参加如校庆30周年志愿者、上海市大学生篮球联赛志愿者、上海市世博会志愿者等众多志愿者活动

Sept. 2008~ Jun. 2009:served as an officer in the Daily Affairs Department of the College
Student Union;

Sept.2009 ~ Jun.2010:served as an officer in the Academic Department of Mechanical
Engineering College;

Mar.2010 ~ Mar.2011:served as president of the Table Tennis Society;

May. 2011: participated in voluntary blood donation;

Sept. 2008 ~ present; actively involved in many voluntary activities such as:
- Serving as a volunteer in the school’s 30th anniversary celebration;
- Serving as a volunteer in the Shanghai Collegiate Basketball
- Serving as a volunteer in the Shanghai World Expo.

第1个回答  2011-09-17
2008/09 ~ 2009/06 担任校学生会生活部干事
2009/09 ~ 2010/06 担任机械学院学术部干事
2010/03 ~ 2011/03 担任校乒乓社社长
2011/05 义务献血
2008/09 ~ 至今 参加如校庆30周年志愿者、上海市大学生篮球联赛志愿者、上海市世博会志愿者等众多志愿者活动

Sept. 2008~ Jun. 2009: as secretary of Livelihood Department of Students Union of the
Sept. 2009 ~ Jun.2010 as secretary of Academic Department of Machinery Engineering
Mar. 2010 ~ Mar. 2011 as President of Table Tennis Club Association of the ***University
May. 2011 participated in public blood donation
Sept. 2008 ~ now
- as volunteer of the 30th Anniversary Celebration of the founding of ***University,
- as volunteer of the Shanghai Universities Basketball League
- as volunteer of many voluntary activities such as Shanghai World Expo, etc.
第2个回答  2011-09-17
2008/09 ~ 2009/06 school students as officers of the Department of life
 2009/09 ~ 2010/06 academic as officers of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
 2010/03 ~ 2011/03 as a school table tennis club president
 2011/05 blood donation
 2008/09 ~ now attend the 30th anniversary celebration, such as volunteers, volunteers, Shanghai University Basketball Association, the Shanghai World Expo, volunteers, and many other volunteer activities.




第3个回答  2011-09-17
2008/09 ~ 2009/06 school students as officers of the Department of life
 2009/09 ~ 2010/06 academic as officers of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
 2010/03 ~ 2011/03 as a school table tennis club president
 2011/05 blood donation
 2008/09 ~ now attend the 30th anniversary celebration, such as volunteers, volunteers, Shanghai University Basketball Association, the Shanghai World Expo, volunteers, and many other volunteer activities.

2008/09 ~ 2009/06 as school students for life department

 2009/09 ~ 2010/06 mechanical institute for XueShuBu as

 2010/03 ~ 2011/03 as school table tennis club President

 2011/05 to donate blood

In so far as 2008/09 ~  30 anniversary celebration of Shanghai university basketball league volunteers, volunteers, Shanghai world expo volunteers, many volunteer work追问

