

2007/03 -- 2007/07:
1. 跟进老客户的订单,在国内寻找合适的供应商,与外国客户随时沟通.
2. 从报价到最后的出货,整套亲自跟进.

2002/10 -- 2005/08:
1.处理订单: 接收国内外的订单, 跟业务及PIC 沟通,确认订单交期,排程.
2.跟进订单:在客户要求的基础上追踪生产部门的进度, 努力满足客户的要求.
3.订单问题: 适时通知客户产品的任何问题,原材料,模具,品质问题,跟业力合作,找出更好的解决方案来节省处理时间.

1. Communicate with customers, from the customer file Proofing guests with confirmed.
2. Follow-up samples confirmed, sample confirmed OK, follow-up guests under orders.
3. Single guests, contact the production sector and procurement departments, collaborative arrangements production.
4. Follow-up production to ensure that no quality and delivery problems, problems in a timely manner to customer feedback.
5. Passenger v. follow-up, and QA, to address quality problems.
6. Call on new customers, and work hard to create profits for the company.
7. Customer follow-up and feedback of each of the study in depth understanding of their host company's products, as do professional customer service.

2007/03 - 2007/07:
1. Follow-up old customer orders in the country to search for suitable suppliers, communication with foreign clients at any time.
2. Quotes from the final shipment, the entire follow-up personally.
3. Through the network platform, the Canton Fair, throughout the show, find suitable suppliers and the search for foreign customers.
4. According to the customer's need to find a suitable product.
5. Operating letters of credit, foreign visitors and lead factories, or forwarding, the warehouses.
6. Work in the process of learning products to professional knowledge, learning enrich themselves. Create profits for the company.

2002/10 - 2005/08:
1. Processing orders: orders received at home and abroad, with the PIC business and communication, delivery orders, scheduling.
2. Follow-up orders: in the customer's request on the basis of tracking the progress of the productive sector, to meet customer requirements.
3. Orders: time to notify clients of any products, raw materials, tooling, quality issues, in cooperation with industry, to find better solutions to save processing time.
第1个回答  2008-01-10
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