

  十三陵The Ming Tombs
  雍和宫Yonghe Lamasery

  人民大会堂The Great Hall of the People
  故宫The Forbidden City
  乾清宫The Palace of Heavenly Purity
  坤宁宫The Palace of Earthly Tranquility
  御花园The Imperial Garden
  九龙壁The Nine Dragon Screen
  天坛The Temple of Heaven
  回音壁Echo Wall
  祈年殿The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest
  颐和园The Summer Palace
  佛香阁The Tower of Buddhist Incense
  石舫The Marble Boat
  十七孔桥The 17-Arch Bridge
  铜牛Bronze Ox
  谐趣园The Garden of Harmonious Interests
  长城The Great Wall
  居庸关Juyongguan Pass
  故宫博物院: the Palace Museum

  保和殿: the Hall of Preserving Harmony
  中和殿: the Hall of Central Harmony
  长城: the Great Wall
  午门: the Meridian Gate
  紫金山天文台: Purple and Gold Hills Observation
  黄果树瀑布:Huangguoshu Falls
  西山晴雪: the Sunny Western Hills after Snow
  避暑山庄:the Imperial Mountain Summer Resort
  龙门石窟: Longmen Cave
  苏州园林:Suzhou Gardens
  庐山:Lushan Mountain
  天池: Heaven Poll
  蓬莱水城: Penglai Water City
  大雁塔: Big Wild Goose Pagoda
  华山: Huashan Mountain
  峨眉山:Emei Mountain
  石林: Stone Forest
  西湖: West Lake
  白马寺: White Horse Temple
  白云山: White Cloud Mountain.

  大运河: Grand Canal
  杜甫草堂: Du Fu Cottage
  都江堰: Dujiang Dam
  鼓浪屿: Gulangyu Islet
  观音阁: Goddess of Mercy Pavilion
  华清池: Huaqing Hot Spring
  昭君墓: Zhaojun’s Tomb

  岳阳楼: Yueyang Tower
  陕西秦始皇陵兵马俑Terra Cotta Warriors
  长江三峡the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River
  日月潭the Sun and Moon Lake of Taiwan
第1个回答  推荐于2016-09-12
  十三陵The Ming Tombs
  雍和宫Yonghe Lamasery
  人民大会堂The Great Hall of the People
  故宫The Forbidden City
  乾清宫The Palace of Heavenly Purity
  坤宁宫The Palace of Earthly Tranquility
  御花园The Imperial Garden
  九龙壁The Nine Dragon Screen
  天坛The Temple of Heaven
  回音壁Echo Wall
  祈年殿The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest
  颐和园The Summer Palace
  佛香阁The Tower of Buddhist Incense
  石舫The Marble Boat
  十七孔桥The 17-Arch Bridge
  铜牛Bronze Ox
  谐趣园The Garden of Harmonious Interests
  长城The Great Wall
  居庸关Juyongguan Pass
  故宫博物院: the Palace Museum
  保和殿: the Hall of Preserving Harmony
  中和殿: the Hall of Central Harmony
  长城: the Great Wall
  午门: the Meridian Gate
  紫金山天文台: Purple and Gold Hills Observation
  西山晴雪: the Sunny Western Hills after Snow
  避暑山庄:the Imperial Mountain Summer Resort
  龙门石窟: Longmen Cave
  苏州园林:Suzhou Gardens
  庐山:Lushan Mountain
  蓬莱水城: Penglai Water City
  大雁塔: Big Wild Goose Pagoda
  石林: Stone Forest
  白马寺: White Horse Temple
  杜甫草堂: Du Fu Cottage
  都江堰: Dujiang Dam
  鼓浪屿: Gulangyu Islet
  观音阁: Goddess of Mercy Pavilion
  华清池: Huaqing Hot Spring
  昭君墓: Zhaojun’s Tomb
  岳阳楼: Yueyang Tower
第2个回答  2012-09-25
就知道 长城 THE GREAT WALL~~~