

Dumpling is one of the famous snack in Ningbo, China is the representative of snacks, has a very long history. According to legend, glutinous rice balls originated in the song dynasty. At that time, each district is arisen have a novel food, which uses a variety of candies do stuffing, with glutinous rice powder outside rolled into balls, cooked, sweet and delicious to eat together, be full of wit and humour. Because of the glutinous rice balls cooked in the pot and floating and sinking, so it first called " floating element ", and later in some areas " floating element " was renamed the lantern. With northern Ningbo during the Spring Festival, people have the family sit together morning poly dumpling tradition汤圆是宁波的著名小吃之一,也是我国的代表小吃之一,历史十分悠久。据传,汤圆起源于宋朝。当时各地兴起吃一种新奇食品,即用各种果饵做馅,外面用糯米粉搓成球,煮熟后,吃起来香甜可口,饶有风趣。因为这种糯米球煮在锅里又浮又沉,所以它最早叫“浮元子”,后来有的地区把“浮元子”改称元宵。与北方人不同,宁波人在春节早晨都有合家聚坐共进汤圆的传统
Has 100 years of history of the characteristic snack -- Xikou thousand layers cake
" The best in all the land. " real name " overlay-maps ", is a local production of a cake, the main raw materials are flour, taro powder, sugar, salt, vegetable oil, sesame, seaweed and other. Approach is to first taro powder and flour and together with Shanghai, algae, rolling into a thin sheet, and then folded up with charcoal baking made entrance crisp, sweet.
第1个回答  2023-06-16
1. Ningbo Salted Fish:这是一种用盐腌制的鱼,是宁波最著名的特产之一。它通常与米饭一起食用,因其鲜美的味道和独特的风味而备受喜爱。它的味道清淡,鲜美可口。
3. Yong'an Tea:一种茶叶,产自宁波的永安茶场。这种茶叶呈嫩绿色,香气浓郁,口感醇厚,深受茶艺爱好者的喜爱。