
The head of a business company felt that his long road to successwas very interesting.Twenty years ago,he employed several experianced helpers.One of them had set up a world record.He chose a free,deserted car park to be his garage.At that short time,he was very worride about the thief who had large temptation to steal.So he went to the local police station every month.the thief was hoped anxiously by him.



1. The head of a business company felt that his long road to success was very interesting.
订正:A head of a business company felt his long way to success pretty interesting.
这个地方不用the head,因为并未指定。用feel sth adj.的结构,可以让你的行文简单直接。the way to success是表示“通向成功之路”,介词to是固定用法。

2. Twenty years ago,he employed several experianced helpers.One of them had set up a world record.
订正:Twenty years ago,he employed several experianced assistants, one of which had had created a world record.

3.He chose a free, deserted car park to be his garage.
park就可以表示“停车场的意思”,不过你用的car park也可以,只是比较中式。这句非常OK。

4. At that short time,he was very worride about the thief who had large temptation to steal.So he went to the local police station every month.the thief was hoped anxiously by him.
订正:During that short time, he was worried that thieves with strong desire would conduct stealing, so he went to the local police station every month, anxiously expecting the thief could be arrested. “在。。。期间”用During...较好。thieves with strong desire would conduct stealing 在thieves(thief的复数)前不加the,表示未指定,因为并不清楚是哪一个小偷,万一还是很多个小偷呢?加上conduct stealing是为了让这句话完整,因为中文里即使不说完整也能明白,但英文应该更清楚。anxiously expecting the thief could be arrested 个人认为选用expect是很好的,表示期待,用expecting表示伴随状态,描述他的心理。arrested是被捕的意思了。

第1个回答  2013-04-28




这个地方没有头,没有指定。你觉得...... ADJ。结构,可以使你的措辞简单明了的。成功之路是一个“成功之路”,介词的固定用法。

2。二十年前,他雇了几个experianced helpers.One他们已经成立了一个世界纪录。


帮手是指帮手(多次表示做家务帮手),是比较合适的使用助手。 ,身后一个非限制性定语从句和简要说明一个assisstant。




更正:在这短短的时间中,他被担心盗贼强烈愿望,将进行偷窃,所以他每月去当地派出所,焦急地期待小偷被逮捕。 “年内年内英寸...更好。盗贼的强烈愿望会进行偷窃的盗贼面前(小偷复数)不明确不指定,因为目前尚不清楚什么是小偷,如果仍然有很多盗贼吗?进行偷窃这是完整的,即使你不说,完全是因为中国人能听懂英语,但应该是比较清楚。焦急地期待着小偷可能被逮捕,个人认为这是一个很好的选择期望,说他一直在寻找,期待,伴随着形容他的心理。被捕被捕的平均。

第2个回答  2006-03-04
The manager of a business company gelt that his long way to success was veyy interesting.Twenty years ago,he employed several experianced sessters,one of whom had set up a world record .He chose a free and deserted car park as a garage.In that short time ,he was very worried about the thief who had sthong temption to sheal.So he went to the local station every month,anxious to catch the thief.
第3个回答  2006-03-04
A boss in a business company felt that it's pretty interesting to share the way how he got success. 20 years ago, he hired several practical persons to be his assistants, and one of whom had ever broken the world record. He finally chose a free, disused parking stadium as his workshop. In that days, he always felt worried that the thieft would come and steal something. Thus, he went to the the police office once a month.
第4个回答  2006-03-04
car park 也不妥,太口语化了,改为parking space吧
the thief was hoped anxiously by him.这句话感觉怪怪的 小偷存在吗这很关键
第5个回答  2006-03-04
The boss of a business company felt his long way to success was very interesting.Twenty years ago,he employed several experienced assistants,one of whom had ever broken the world record.He chose a free,discarded park as his workshop.During those days,he felt very worried with the thief who had strong temptation.So he went to the local police station once a month and hoped the thief could be captured as soon as possible.