
你知道陈一冰吗?他是中国体操队运动员。中国男子体操队队长。他被称为“吊环王”。在刚刚结束不久的伦敦奥运会上,他以完美的表现获得银牌,这样的结果引起了大家的公愤。中国队总教练黄玉斌称‘这是体操史上黑暗一天’。 但陈一冰接下来的表现,让现场观众为他再次鼓掌,面带微笑的中国队长大度地祝贺纳巴列特,并与参赛的每一位队员一一握手,然后从包里拿出为夺冠准备的写有“冰力十足”的横幅展示给全场,这是前辈李宁在赛前为陈一冰专门写下的。颁奖典礼上,陈一冰依然风度十足。陈一冰说“这四年让我学会了很多,宠辱不惊去面对一切。我赢得起,也输得起”



你知道陈一冰吗?他是中国体操队运动员。中国男子体操队队长。他被称为“吊环王”。在刚刚结束不久的伦敦奥运会上,他以完美的表现获得银牌,这样的结果引起了大家的公愤。中国队总教练黄玉斌称‘这是体操史上黑暗一天’。 但陈一冰接下来的表现,让现场观众为他再次鼓掌,面带微笑的中国队长大度地祝贺纳巴列特,并与参赛的每一位队员一一握手,然后从包里拿出为夺冠准备的写有“冰力十足”的横幅展示给全场,这是前辈李宁在赛前为陈一冰专门写下的。颁奖典礼上,陈一冰依然风度十足。陈一冰说“这四年让我学会了很多,宠辱不惊去面对一切。我赢得起,也输得起”
第1个回答  2012-10-27
Do you know Chen Yibing?He's one of athletes in National Gymnastics Team,and also the team leader,who is nobled as "the lord of the hanging rings".In the London Olympic Games just near the end,he got a silver medal with his perfect performance,which stirred up public anger.Head coach of Chinese national team Huang Yubin metioned it as "the darkest day of gymnastic history".However the following performance of Chen brought him a second burst of applause,that smiling chinese national team leader congratulated to Barrete ,
and shaked hands with every participant,and showed the audience his banner says"full power of Bing" ,which is specially written for Chen Yibing by predecessor Li Ning.On the awards ceremony,Chen Yibing still kept his manner.Chen said"the past 4 years taught me a lot,including facing all things peacefully.I can hold it,as well as put it down."
第2个回答  2012-10-28