



Overseas training regulations
I. Basic requirements
(a) in accordance with the central government on going abroad (border) new spirit and new requirements of training, strictly control the overall scale of training, training programs to further optimize the structure, improve the pertinence and professional projects, encourage research and production needs, combined with the domestic and international counterparts to carry out the same professional monographic study of the training program, further the increase of scientific research and production of professional and technical personnel, especially in the long-term training talents reserve proportion, resolutely stop the general scale of the project rebound.
(two) improve the pertinence and effectiveness of training programs, and further improve the quality of training. To do a good job of training needs analysis and project research necessity, according to China's economic and social development of key industries and key areas of the "bottleneck" problem of determining project, clear training, selection of trainees, overseas institutions preferred task training, carefully designed training courses. According to the actual needs of the project according to the annual continuous or step-by-step implementation of the project until the problem. The training of the theme and content of the main business and must be consistent with the group units, intend to visit the country (region), and the consistent advantages in the field of overseas training institutions received training expertise consistent; going abroad (border) political consciousness and comprehensive quality of the trainees must have higher, the industry must be in the full vigour of life or professional field of business backbone, job responsibilities and work properties should be directly related to the training content. We will continue to increase the intensity of training in the field of expertise, the development of non rich countries (regions) training, and strictly control the size of training to go to hot countries.
(three) strengthen the organization and management of the whole process of the training project, and strictly examine and approve the key links such as the project, the implementation, the summary and the result tracking. All levels of training abroad (border) centralized management departments must conscientiously fulfill the organization and implementation of the project process management responsibilities, to improve services to the grassroots level professional training talents especially long-term training management system, and constantly improve the quality and efficiency of service. We should continue to improve the pre training and foreign affairs education system suitable for single or small team. The actual effect of structural adjustment, scale control, execution rate, node summary, timeliness and quality verification, and level and management level and service quality factors such as achievement, as an important reference for the project.
Two, project reporting requirements
(1) control project
1 strictly control the scale of Party and government cadres training, and further improve the quality of training. Provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) Party Committee Organization Department is responsible for training local cadres and cadres Reserve Management District Party committee. Municipal and county Party Committee Organization Department does not directly organize overseas training, and the following municipal department is no other organization of comprehensive management cadre training project. Strictly control the number of Party and government training programs in hot countries.
2 for the universal and highly relevant training programs, such as vocational education, teaching management, hospital management and other projects, by the relevant administrative departments in charge of planning, organization and implementation. To design training courses overseas training institutions relatively perfect training personnel selection system, a relatively fixed high level, good reputation and advanced and practical demonstration achievement mechanism.
(2) prohibit the organization of projects
1 where a domestic problem can be solved, the training program shall not be declared. Yes, people are not allowed to declare the arrangements to take care of, no substance, no real need to visit and the nature of the general training project.
2 the training theme is not clear, targeted is not strong, and the main business unit of independent training programs.
3 foreign affairs and the right to the society, associations, foundations, training centers and other units shall organize regional inter departmental training missions project. No organization for commercial training project of high tuition fees, and resolutely stop under the guise of training in the name of public funds abroad (Habitat) tourism behavior.
Three, organization reporting requirements
Each unit should further improve the training project expert review system, strengthen the project necessity, feasibility, feasibility, in accordance with the provisions of the format to fill in the declaration. In principle, the number of items declared in the same unit shall not exceed 2 items.
(two) to strictly control the number of people in each group, generally not more than 20 people, staff from the retirement age less than 5 years and not more than 55 years of age. According to the actual needs of strict control of overseas training time, Asia and neighboring countries and regions can be compressed to 10 days, Europe and the United States and other countries can be compressed to 14 days. No more than two cities outside the training site.
(three) in strict accordance with the ", according to the needs of dispatch, they have both ability and political integrity" principle, good personnel selected work, approved projects, in principle, it shall not change the dispatched personnel.
第1个回答  2017-02-11
给255人民币都没戏, 别说就255财富值了;在线机器翻译的你敢用吗?
第2个回答  2017-02-11
这种专业性的东西 建议还是花钱翻译追问



