
Every coin has two sides,and so does the sole trader organization .The soletrader alone receives the income and is therefore liable for any loss or debt.Having no colleagues can be liberating ,but might equally be isolating with noone to provide motivation or inspiration .Besides ,too much depends on theability of one man .And the capital is likely to be small and so expansion tothe optimum size is not likely to be possible .

have a class 各have classes 都是上课,意思相同。但有细微的用法区别。 前者单数,相当于具体的上一下课或单一的课,而后者为复数指一段的,或全程的多节课或课程。It's time to have class 是课堂用语或口语,全文应为:it is time to have the class! 省略了the。
for a good rest 和have a good rest 中文意思一样,但用法大不相同。前者是短语,而后者是短句。如:We should go to park for a good rest ; we should go to park to have a good rest. 请注意用法。
第1个回答  推荐于2016-06-21



第2个回答  2014-03-24
"on the ground that"和"in condition that"皆不适合用于此. 因为这两要前因后果一起在同一句出现.

例: We oppose to him being the leader, on the ground that he always plays favourites.
"on the ground that"是给予理由和原因, 但这比较少用于科学用句.
例: She accepted the position on condition that there would be opportunity for advancement.

"in condition that"其实应该是"on condition that".

"excessive"可用. "excessive"已有过多和多余的意思, 所以也表明那些信息并不重要.
次要并不等同"inferior" (低等, 乃贬义词), 所以不能用它.

This is due to the occupation of excessive information in the brain.

"occupation"除指职业以外, 也有占据的意思.
第3个回答  2015-02-07
what is the mean of this sentence?
" Television was not inwented by any one person. nor did it spring into being overniget"
inwented应该是invented overniget应该是overnight
正确的句子是“Television was not invented by any one person. nor did it spring into being overnight”
第4个回答  2013-01-02
Chinese concept of time and the Americans are different. From the development history of American history, unlike China goes back to ancient times, their history only hundreds of years. Americans pay special attention to the time, pay attention to efficiency, often every day a strict plan, in their view, each time period is " equal pay for equal work", this is American to become world economy powerful nation of reason. Comparing with the development history of short the United States, China has 5000 years of traditional culture, the Chinese concept of time seem to take it leisurely and unoppressively. In the process of negotiations, Chinese is the use of follow the prescribed order of steps, not only can reach an agreement with customers can also deepen friendship, to establish long-term cooperative relations. But the Americans could be anxious for success, and hope that in the shortest possible time negotiation. For example, in a sum of import and export business, the negotiations both sides is the quality of the goods, shipping documents, payment time, negotiations, Chinese are from various parts of starting at the same time, a step of a ring, but the Americans always talk about the price, if the price of the dissatisfied, not the next step. But in the Chinese businessman looks, just begin to define price is very hard to decide, so often because the price of both sides can reach an agreement which led to the breakdown of the negotiation.
The foreign exchange and negotiations on the issues often misunderstood. Indeed, as a result of the cultural tradition and cultural idea different, therefore have their own national characteristics Chinese customs and etiquette, especially focus on face. British negotiating scientist Bill Scott in his negotiations writings said: "the Chinese heavy face, in the negotiations, if you want to force the Chinese to make concessions, then must pay attention, do not make him give in in the face. " In the negotiations, if lets Chinese feel difficult to make a decision, they do not directly reject, in a polite way to refuse you. But to Americans, nothing is more benefit to the more important, if you let the Americans in "face " and " interest" to make a choice, is certainly choose interest. Because of them, time is money, not possible in the limited period spent time in the " face" of Kung Fu, this of course and their development history is related to the. Therefore, we only have a correct understanding and proper grasp of western national independence differences, so that negotiations can be effective.
The etiquette differences are mainly embodied in the language habits and entertaining etiquette and table manners of these three aspects. In business activities, the negotiator's behavior reflects different cultural characteristics. The most common is the handshake, Chinese businessmen and foreign meet for the first time will be warm for a long time hold each other 's hand, even pat him on the shoulder and back to friendship. But for us, shaking hands is a polite form with two hands immediately after the release, the distance between the two immediately started. Second is the dinner etiquette. In Chinese dinner guests, to the position of distinguished guests in the left seat arrangement, so that after the ordinal arrangement. In the west is based on respect for the right. Third is the table manners at the dinner table, Americans love the quiet environment, and could not make terrible noise when eating. And Chinese meal in like lively, wine and dine together, have a pleasant talk together, to create a lively and warm dining atmosphere.