
Every coin has two sides,and so does the sole trader organization .The soletrader alone receives the income and is therefore liable for any loss or debt.Having no colleagues can be liberating ,but might equally be isolating with noone to provide motivation or inspiration .Besides ,too much depends on theability of one man .And the capital is likely to be small and so expansion tothe optimum size is not likely to be possible .

第1个回答  2015-02-07
Television was not invented by any person. nor did it spring into being overnight.


第2个回答  2013-02-07
1) How long does it take from Yangzhou to Beijing by car?
2) Let's cheer our athletes on.
3) Are you interested in the songs of Jay Chou?
4) Rember to bring your mp4 here tomorrow.
5) I rember I have seen her somewhere before.
6) The air pollution of villeges is less than cities'.
7) The tour guide is showing the British exchange students round the Runyang Bridge.
8) He spent half an hour on doing his homework last night.
9) I think it is enough for 30 students in a class.
10) Tony is looking at the sea and sea wave outside sitting on a cushion.
11) You can choose any food you like in Sunshine City.

第3个回答  2014-03-24
由於=due to, because of,意思更像是原因。
on the ground that/ in condition that 是指条件,比如说:In condition that you do not have ample time 就是「基於你没有充足的时间」。



个人而言,我会翻译成 This is due to the excessive minor information that our brains are flooded with.
第4个回答  2014-09-06
go straight into是直接进入的意思
right from noon就从正午时分 。作状语修饰go straight into the sunset

Just so. Everybody knows that when it is noon in the United States the sun is setting over France. If you could fly to France in one minute, you could go straight into the sunset, right from noon. Unfortunately, France is too far away for that. But on your tiny planet, my little price, all you need do is move your chair a few steps. You can see the day end and the twilight falling whenever you like…确实,大家都知道,美国的正午时分,正是法国夕阳落下的时候。如果能在一分钟内赶到法国,你就可以看到落日了,可惜法国太远了。但是,在你的小行星上,只要把椅子向后挪几步,就可以随时随地地看到落日的余辉了。
第5个回答  2014-05-28
Nanchang subway real estate Co., LTD
或Nanchang subway properties Limited


信和置业有限公司(Sino Land Co.)
青岛佳豪置业有限公司The Qingdao good bold property Limited company
北京首都机场置业有限公司。Beijing Capital Airport Tourism Company Ltd.
广州市鸿盛置业有限公司Guangzhou Hongsheng Properties Limited
陕西旭邦置业有限公司 Shanxi Xubang Real Estate Company.
新疆中盈置业有限公司 Xinjiang surplus Ltd..
湖南XHL置业有限公司Hunan XHL Installing Company Limited
沈阳百益龙置业有限公司 Shenyang Lung Properties Limited benefits.
百益龙置业有限公司 Suzhou Yi Lung Properties Limited
上海海联置业有限公司 Shanghai Hailian Real Estate Co.
山东久久发置业有限公司Shandong long hair Properties Limited
上海恒石文道置业有限公司Shanghai Heng Shiwen Road Properties Limited
