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杰森·伯恩(马特·达蒙 饰)在意大利被人从海上救起,他失去了记忆,除了臀部的瑞士银行帐号之外,他完全没有办法证明自己的身份。
杰森从瑞士银行找到了大量的现金,六本护照,一把枪,同时他发现自己格斗、枪械、和语言等方面的能力,他开始追查自己的身份,并且把陌生女子玛丽(弗兰卡·泼坦特 饰)也卷了进来。两人从瑞士到巴黎,一路上受到神秘杀手组织的追杀,危机重重。
第1个回答  2013-06-07
Jason Bourne. He has no past. And he may have no future. His memory is blank. He only knows that he was flushed out of the Mediterranean Sea, his body riddled with bullets. There are a few clues. A frame of microfilm surgically implanted beneath the flesh of his hip. Evidence that plastic surgery has altered his face. Strange things that he says in his delirium -- maybe code words. Initial: "J.B." And a number on the film negative that leads to a Swiss bank account, a fortune of four million dollars, and, at last, a name: Jason Bourne. But now he is marked for death, caught in a maddening puzzle, racing for survival through the deep layers of his buried past into a bizarre world of murderous conspirators -- led by Carlos, the world's most dangerous assassin. And no one can help Jason Bourne but the woman who once wanted to escape him. "Mr. Ludlum stuffs more surprises into his novels than any other six-pack of thriller writers combines." -- The New York Times 