
作为莎士比亚四大悲剧之首的<哈姆雷特>写于文艺复兴时期,题材范围主要是历史剧和喜剧. 在伊丽莎白女王的统治下英国处于经济繁荣时期,国势稳定而强大.随着英国国内局势开始震荡,社会矛盾即丑恶面逐渐暴露.另外也由于莎士比亚身心走向成熟,其人文主义同现实发生碰撞,是他对乐观主义有了深刻的反思,在思想深处有了一个质的转变和飞跃.从而对社会中存在的黑暗及伪善进行有力的揭露和鞭挞.莎士比亚这些悲剧的思想根髓几乎都是揭露封建贵族阶层的丑恶和腐朽,对虚伪也奸诈的人性给予有力的刺穿,对猥琐而阴险的利己主义给予彻底的撕破.并且对下等阶层的疾苦报以同情,对人姓的善和爱进行挽颂. 文字优美而富有诗意,语言运用更加纯熟,笔触更为熟练和老道;人物形象更加丰满和生动,主题和思想寓意也更加丰富和醇厚。
<哈姆雷特>剧题材取自丹麦王子为父报仇的古老传说。年青的丹麦王子哈姆雷特从德国回到丹麦,得知叔父克劳狄斯杀害了父亲,做了国王,还夺取了自己的母亲为妾。 哈姆雷特为父复仇的愿望渐渐地变为一种伟大的社会责任心:应当改变这个不仁不义、谎言和伪善猖獗、谄媚者和阴谋家充斥宫廷的世界。但是终他却被自己情人的 哥哥用毒剑刺死,王后和克劳狄斯也同归于尽。王子临死时,要求把一切真相“昭告后人”。哈姆雷特是表现个人与社会冲突、理想与现实矛盾的杰出的艺术典型。哈姆雷特的形象,对后世300多年来欧洲作家塑造个人反抗社会的典型人物产生了深远影响。
莎士比亚不仅是语言大师,且对人性、权力和人在追求权力过程中互动所产生的冲突、斗争和撕杀等,也有极深刻的认识。 他的一生,都在剖析人性,通过其生花妙笔和其深远细致的思想,乃至对人类心理学的理解,和更重要的是一种追求艺术的热情和执着,在其有限的艺术创造期间,以戏剧形式创造了众多具有深度和个性的角色,给予该些角色血肉和灵魂,并配以动人心魄的故事,把我们多种多样的人性,在剧场的台上演绎出来,使我们能在欣 赏戏剧和心灵受到感动之余,还能从其中受惠良多。


As Shakespeare's tragedy of the first four of the <Hamlet> written in the Renaissance period, Ticaifanwei mainly Historical Drama and comedy. Queen Elizabeth in the United Kingdom under the rule of a period of economic prosperity, stability and the potential of the powerful. With the domestic situation in the United Kingdom began shocks, Social conflict that is gradually exposed the ugly face. It is also due to Shakespeare's physical and mental maturity, its humanism collided with reality, his optimism is a deep reflection, deep in thought with a qualitative change and leaps. Thereby Community in the darkness and expose the hypocrisy of powerful and lashing. Shakespeare's tragedy of the ideological roots of these pulp almost all of the feudal elite class to expose the ugly and corrupt, treacherous also the hypocrisy of human nature to give a strong punctured, the Weisuo and insidious Egoism to complete tear. And the lower class was to sympathize with the sufferings of the people and good name of love for Wan Chung. Beautiful and rich poetic text, language use more mature, more skilled and strokes Road; Characters Voluptuous and more vivid, themes and ideas implication is more rich and mellow.
<Hamlet> opera themes from the Prince of Denmark avenge the parent of the ancient legend. The young Prince Hamlet of Denmark to return to Germany from Denmark, that uncle Claudius killed his father, the king has done, also won his mother Weiqie. Hamlet Revenge of the wishes of the parent gradually turned into a great social responsibility: should change this inhumane injustice, lies and hypocrisy rampant sycophancy and Yinmou Jia full court in the world. But by the end he used his lover's brother stabbed Du Jian, the Queen and Claudius also perish together. Prince dying, requested that all the truth, "declared to future generations." Hamlet is the performance of individual and social conflict, the contradiction between the ideal and the reality of the outstanding art typical. Hamlet's image, 300 years later generations of European writers shape of the individual against society Typical Characters have far-reaching effects.
Shakespeare's art through a powerful force's image, from his typical of those who, at the same time, with distinct personality of the hero's complex relationship, from their actions and to reveal contradictions in their character. Drama emitted in the light of the strong humanist thinking and excellence and bold artistic skills. Shakespeare in the creation did not follow any model or theory of creation, so that he can work with the ultra-era. Become a world famous, the key Is the question of human nature and human existence beyond the thoughts of the times.
Not only is the language of Shakespeare's master, and of human nature, power and people in the pursuit of power generated by the interaction in the course of the conflict, struggle and Sisha, have a very profound understanding. His life, in the analysis of human nature, through its Shenghuamiaobi and its far-reaching and meticulous ideological, and even the understanding of human psychology, and more importantly, the pursuit of art is a kind of passion and perseverance, in its limited period of artistic creation, Drama has created a large depth and personality of the role given to the role of some flesh and blood and soul, and supported by the touching story of spirits, our wide range of human nature and interpretation of the stage in the theater out, so that we can enjoy the drama And soul while being moved, but also benefit a lot from them.

第1个回答  2008-05-29
As Shakespeare's tragedy of the first four of the <Hamlet> written in the Renaissance period, Ticaifanwei mainly Historical Drama and comedy. Queen Elizabeth in the United Kingdom under the rule of a period of economic prosperity, stability and the potential of the powerful. With the domestic situation in the United Kingdom began shocks, Social conflict that is gradually exposed the ugly face. It is also due to Shakespeare's physical and mental maturity, its humanism collided with reality, his optimism is a deep reflection, deep in thought with a qualitative change and leaps. Thereby Community in the darkness and expose the hypocrisy of powerful and lashing. Shakespeare's tragedy of the ideological roots of these pulp almost all of the feudal elite class to expose the ugly and corrupt, treacherous also the hypocrisy of human nature to give a strong punctured, and the insidious Weisuo Egoism to complete tear. And the lower class was to sympathize with the sufferings of the people and good name of love for Wan Chung. Beautiful and rich poetic text, language use more mature, more skilled and strokes Road; Characters Voluptuous and more vivid, themes and ideas implication is more rich and mellow.
<Hamlet> opera themes from the Prince of Denmark avenge the parent of the ancient legend. The young Prince Hamlet of Denmark to return to Germany from Denmark, that uncle Claudius killed his father, the king has done, also won his mother Weiqie. Hamlet Revenge of the wishes of the parent gradually turned into a great social responsibility: should change this inhumane injustice, lies and hypocrisy rampant sycophancy and Yin Moujia full court in the world. But by the end he used his lover's brother stabbed Du Jian, the Queen and Claudius also perish together. Prince dying, requested that all the truth, "declared to future generations." Hamlet is the performance of individual and social conflict, the contradiction between the ideal and the reality of the outstanding art typical. Hamlet's image, 300 years later generations of European writers shape of the individual against society Typical Characters have far-reaching effects.
Shakespeare's art through a powerful force's image, from his typical of those who, at the same time, with distinct personality of the hero's complex relationship, from their actions and to reveal contradictions in their character. Drama emitted in the light of the strong humanist thinking and excellence and bold artistic skills. Shakespeare in the creation did not follow any model or theory of creation, so that he can work with the ultra-era. Become a world famous, the key Is the question of human nature and human existence beyond the thoughts of the times.
Not only is the language of Shakespeare's master, and of human nature, power and people in the pursuit of power generated by the interaction in the course of the conflict, struggle and Sisha, have a very profound understanding. His life, in the analysis of human nature, through its Shenghuamiaobi and its far-reaching and meticulous ideological, and even the understanding of human psychology, and more importantly, the pursuit of art is a kind of passion and perseverance, in its limited period of artistic creation, Drama has created a large depth and personality of the role given to the role of some flesh and blood and soul, and supported by the touching story of spirits, our wide range of human nature and interpretation of the stage in the theater out, so that we can enjoy the drama And soul while being moved, but also benefit a lot from them.本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2008-05-29
As Shakespeare's tragedy of the first four of the <Hamlet> written in the Renaissance period, Ticaifanwei mainly Historical Drama and comedy. Queen Elizabeth in the United Kingdom under the rule of a period of economic prosperity, stability and the potential of the powerful. With the domestic situation in the United Kingdom began shocks, Social conflict that is gradually exposed the ugly face. It is also due to Shakespeare's physical and mental maturity, its humanism collided with reality, his optimism is a deep reflection, deep in thought with a qualitative change and leaps. Thereby Community in the darkness and expose the hypocrisy of powerful and lashing. Shakespeare's tragedy of the ideological roots of these pulp almost all of the feudal elite class to expose the ugly and corrupt, treacherous also the hypocrisy of human nature to give a strong punctured, and the insidious Weisuo Egoism to complete tear. And the lower class was to sympathize with the sufferings of the people and good name of love for Wan Chung. Beautiful and rich poetic text, language use more mature, more skilled and strokes Road; Characters Voluptuous and more vivid, themes and ideas implication is more rich and mellow.
<Hamlet> opera themes from the Prince of Denmark avenge the parent of the ancient legend. The young Prince Hamlet of Denmark to return to Germany from Denmark, that uncle Claudius killed his father, the king has done, also won his mother Weiqie. Hamlet Revenge of the wishes of the parent gradually turned into a great social responsibility: should change this inhumane injustice, lies and hypocrisy rampant sycophancy and Yin Moujia full court in the world. But by the end he used his lover's brother stabbed Du Jian, the Queen and Claudius also perish together. Prince dying, requested that all the truth, "declared to future generations." Hamlet is the performance of individual and social conflict, the contradiction between the ideal and the reality of the outstanding art typical. Hamlet's image, 300 years later generations of European writers shape of the individual against society Typical Characters have far-reaching effects.
Shakespeare's art through a powerful force's image, from his typical of those who, at the same time, with distinct personality of the hero's complex relationship, from their actions and to reveal contradictions in their character. Drama emitted in the light of the strong humanist thinking and excellence and bold artistic skills. Shakespeare in the creation did not follow any model or theory of creation, so that he can work with the ultra-era. Become a world famous, the key Is the question of human nature and human existence beyond the thoughts of the times.
Not only is the language of Shakespeare's master, and of human nature, power and people in the pursuit of power generated by the interaction in the course of the conflict, struggle and Sisha, have a very profound understanding. His life, in the analysis of human nature, through its Shenghuamiaobi and its far-reaching and meticulous ideological, and even the understanding of human psychology, and more importantly, the pursuit of art is a kind of passion and perseverance, in its limited period of artistic creation, Drama has created a large depth and personality of the role given to the role of some flesh and blood and soul, and supported by the touching story of spirits, our wide range of human nature and interpretation of the stage in the theater out, so that we can enjoy the drama And soul while being moved, but also benefit a lot from them
第3个回答  2008-05-29
第4个回答  2008-05-29
哇 够长