

I had refered to it in the former mail .The shipments you require from July to August is too large.To finish the ariginal plan is already very difficult.So I can't do anymore .I have changed the delivery plan in the form.Please pay attention to the red words.If you must require me to make some additional products,I think I can't do it now.人手翻译,望采纳!
第1个回答  2013-07-23
Before I mail has told you, shipments from July to August load you ask too much, to complete your original plan has been very difficult, no amount of outside making plan products. I modified the shipping schedule, please see table in red font.
If you asked me to additional manufacturing these products, I can't do it now.
第2个回答  2013-07-23
i told you that the shipments is too big from July to August last email.We couldnt do extra products out of your original plan,and complete the original one is very difficult.We changed the delivery schedule,please check,especially words in red.
If you must ask us do extra products,I am sorry to do it now.
第3个回答  2013-07-23
sorry,i can't do that。bey
第4个回答  2013-07-23
commercial trading,you'd better find out a professional translation agency,otherwise,would be got in trouble.