suffer damage injure 的区别,详细!


suffer ['sʌfə]
vi.1. 受痛苦,感到痛苦(或苦恼),受苦难;感到疼痛;患病:He is suffering from the loss of his old friend.他正遭受失去老朋友的痛苦。He is still suffering after medicine.吃过药后,他依然感到很难受。2. 受损失,受害:You'll suffer from smoking too much.吸烟过多你的健康会受到损害。to suffer from floods遭受水灾3. 变差,变糟:One's sight suffers for ages.年老后视力会变差。4. 受惩罚,(尤指)被处死刑;殉难:You will suffer one day for your carelessness.你大大咧咧的早晚要受惩罚的。They have suffered for the country.他们已为国殉难了。5. 处于不利地位,受到妨碍:His firm suffered when he wasn't in.他不在期间,他的商号经营得十分惨淡。I don't think our relations will suffer for such a small quarrel.我认为这样的小吵小闹不会妨碍我们之间的关系。6. 作为动作(或作用)的对象,承受:to suffer from pressure承受压力7. [废语]忍受,忍耐,耐心地坚持
vt.1. 遭受,蒙受,经受(痛苦、烦恼、损失等):I can not tolerate to suffer the loss of 1% of the profit.我不能容忍把百分之一的利润损失掉。to suffer pain忍受疼痛2. 经受,经历:to suffer change经历变迁You must suffer the test.你必须经受考验。3. 宽恕,原谅,听任,容忍:No man could suffer his vulgarities.谁也无法容忍他的粗野言行。to be not able to suffer a little inconvenience受不了一点儿委屈4. 允许,准许:Will you suffer me to go with you?我能跟你一起去吗?He could suffer himself to be persuaded by me.他倒是能听进我的劝告。

damage ['dæmidʒ] n.1. 损害,损伤,伤害;损失;破坏,毁坏2. [口语][常用复数]费用,开支;代价,价钱3. [复数] 【法律】 损害赔偿损害赔偿金,损失赔偿费vt.伤害,损伤,损害,损坏,毁坏:Harry damaged the saw on a nail.哈里锯在钉子上弄坏了锯子。John has a damaged reputation.约翰的名誉受到了损害。vi.被损害;受到损坏;Soft wood damages easily.软木容易受到损坏。Smaller television sets damage more easily.小型电视机较易受损。近义词:injure . 变形:vt.damageddamaging
词组短语 同近义词 同根词serious damage 严重损害;严重损坏 brain damage 脑损伤 formation damage 地层损害,油层损害;生产层损坏 fatigue damage 疲劳损伤;疲劳损坏 structural damage 结构损伤 environmental damage 环境损害;破坏环境 damage mechanics 损伤力学 liver damage 肝损伤 property damage 财产损失;财产损害 cause damage to 对…造成损坏,带来损害 damage threshold 损伤阈值,损坏阈 fire damage 火灾损失 water damage 水渍 damage assessment 损坏情况估计 earthquake damage 地震破坏;地震损害 physical damage 有形损坏;物理性损坏;机械损坏 tissue damage 组织损伤 mechanical damage 机械损伤;硬伤 damage control 损害控制;破坏性控制 permanent damage 永久损伤 更多收起词组短语 vi.损害;损毁;赔偿金
do harm to, let in forn.损害;损毁
injury, harm, lesionvt.损害,毁坏
destroy, hurt, blast词根:damageadj.
damaged 被损坏的damaging 有破坏性的,损害的;诽谤的v.
damaged 损害(damage的过去式和过去分词)damaging 破坏(damage的现在分词形式);损害

双语例句原声例句权威例句Hesuedthem for damage.他要求他们赔偿损失。《21世纪大英汉词典》Wewill pay for anydamage which resultswithina year.一年之内如发生任何损伤,均由我们负责赔偿。《21世纪大英汉词典》The customerwillbe reimbursed for anylossordamage.顾客受到的一切损失或损害将一律得到赔偿。

injure ['indʒə]
vt.1. 危害,损害;毁坏:to injure one's health损害某人的健康to injure one's hand in a fire在火灾中伤了手2. 伤害(感情、自尊心等);损害(名誉等):to injure one's feelings伤害某人的感情to injure somebody's reputation损害某人的名誉3. 亏待;使委屈:He spoke as if he were injured.他讲话的口气仿佛他受了委屈似的。4. 使(某物)遭受损伤;使蒙受损失:seedlings injured by the frost受到霜冻侵害的幼苗