
这个是我们口语考试的题目.两个人一组.要根据这五个题目编5组对话.哪位大哥大姐帮忙啦...简单点的就好.每个人5-10句左右. 万分感谢!! 照片可以放大,又下角有箭头..谢谢!

where would you like to find a job after graduation ,in a big city like Chengdu or in a small town and why?


A: Hello Jenny
B: Hello Mark!
A: How are you today? Got any plans for later?
B: I'm alright thanks. I was thinking of going to the cinema, but it's such a nice day, I might go to the park?
A:Really? Me too, I'm going for a picnic with my friends. Do you want to join us?
B: That would be lovely, only thing is, I'm vegetarian.
A: Don't worry, two of my friends are too, so there'll be plenty of veggie food.
B: Great, thanks. Perhaps I can take you to the cinema another day to say thank you.

Hope this is ok!
I'm native speaker, so should be accurate.

Any questions, let me know...

Ed -
[email protected]
第1个回答  2008-06-27
where would you like to find a job after graduation ,in a big city like Chengdu or in a small town and why?

A:Hello B,What's up?
B:Nothing much. How about you?
A: Well, I am pretty good. I got two job offers and I haven't decided which one to take.
B:Really? Congratulations. They must both be too good to give up.
A:Thank you for your nice word. Actually the positions and salaries are quite similar, only one locates in Chengdu, and the other one locates in a small town. So, if you were me, which one would you take?
B:Well I would work in small town . But you know, that's because I plan to get married and raise a child right after graduation. So I would prefer some place where is much safer for a little kid. Besides, working in small town means less stress and less traffic. I would have more time to take care of my family. So you see, it's all about what you wanna do in three to five years. You have a goal first, then you will know the best place to fulfill it.
A:Thank you very much for your advice, It's very enlightening. I think I know what I would prefer. I plan to focus on my career in the recent future. So it might be best to stay in big cities like Chengdu. I think there are more opportunities of career in big cities, therefore I can gather a lot of experience in a shot time.
B:Sounds perfect. I might relocate to big city once I want to push my career onto the next level.
A:I wish you all the best.
B:You too. Hope we can all fulfill our dreams wherever we are.