

ME:hi,guys, I am afraid I have to go now!
A: why not stay for some more time? don't you think this party is perfect? we had not been together for long time.
ME: Cause I have a meeting 7 o'clock this evening, time is very limited for me.
B: what meeting? forget that and enjoy this party with us.
Me: no no, it's enough, I will be fired the ass if I am absent. this meeting is very important for me, I will arrange another meeting this month. ok?
A: well, it's better idea, let's drink one more
B, ME, A: cheers!
ME: thanks, take care of yourself, call me if you can walk home!
B, A: ok, we will call you if we have not enough money to check out.
ME: see you
B,A: bye
第1个回答  2013-12-24
Me: Hi buddies! Gotta go now. There is a meeting on at 7 o'clock.
Jack: Wow. Why! Can't you cancel the meeting? It is such fun with you.
Me: I am so sorry, Jack. It is a very important one and it is impossible to cancel or even to postpone it.
Jack: It is such a pity! Well, hope to meet you next time.
Me: See you.

第2个回答  2013-12-24
A:Nice party,it is a great time that I can relax myself with so many interesting people and tasty food.I am really want to stay here for all the night! But...

B:Thank you very much,I am very delighted you can enjoy here.I really prepared for a long time.
So,just stay here and have fun!

A:I really want.But you know I got a new task in my company,there will be a meeeting at 7:00.I have to leave the wongderful time an get into my work.

B:What o pity! I just think we can dance and sing the whole time like wen are still in the school,Yes,but ,at this time ,work is more important.

A:Thanks for your handmade cookies and delicious beer, I hope we can get together again soon

B:That is also my dream.

A:Could you do me a favor?I really confused with the streets,I may not get to my workplace without your help.

B:Sure!Let me tell you ,there is a park in front of my house,get left when you see the park.
Then there is a school,Lily school,get left again,you will see the Ivy Road,youcan find your ways.

A:OK! I think I can find the way.

B:Take care!See you next time.

A:See you !

B:Wait! Wait! YOU CANNOT DRIVE! You drink too much and you have no car!
第3个回答  2013-12-24
first of all...I never knew that you can actually write something like "have drinking and enjoying".
I have no idea what that means.

next, I think you should do the first one.

by the way, WFT's "hesponses" and WTF "taking leaves"?

since I have no idea what's the rule of your conversation, I'll just write my own.

here's the conversation I wrote for yah:

P1:Yo, party at Xhulio's house tonight huh?
P2: no shit, don't forget to bring some weed. no weed no party bro.
P1: yeah, you bed. don't worry, i'll handle it. How about something stronger?
P2: nah, I don't wanna end up like our mayor Ford, that fucking crack head makes everybody thinks we all fucking drug dealers in ours city.
P1: HAHA, yeah. that fat ass should've resigned when the news came out. fucking bastard. anyway, what about alcohols?
P2: Xhulio's already got them. 7 whiskeys, 10 packs of bears, and sodas. we're well stored.
P1: Cool, cool.
P3: Hey, Luke, what's up.
P1: Hey, Steve my man, how is it going?
P3: not bad, not bad. motherfucking party at Xhulio's house tonight huh? We're gonna rock the fucking house down,
P2: No shit, I heard Nathan called escort company to get us some hot chicks.
P1: No fucking way!
P2: Way! motherfucker! professional chicks, damn!
P3:haha, who else's gonna be there huh?
P1: I don't know, Emily said she'd be there, and my girl friend said she wants to come.
P2: let her come then, we got enough shit to make her drunk.
P3: yeah, tell her to come. we can play something after.
P1: What do you mean "something". don't you dare to lift your dirty finger on my girl, you dick.
P3: Chill, chill man. just joking.
P1: yeah, you better be.
P2: Yo, it's almost 5. we should go get my car. Xhulio's house's like 2 hours' drive from here, we don't wanna be late.
P1 & P3: Yeah, no shit. let's go. hey, don't forget your bag
P2: oh yeah, thanks.
P2: It's gonna be fun!

alright, that's it. Thank me and give me the prize.

Merry Christmas, and happy holiday!
第4个回答  2013-12-24
我刚看到有人替你回答了,那你就采用楼上的回答吧! 我继续忙我的吧!
第5个回答  2013-12-24