

“打交道” 英语有两个短语可用:make contact with; have dealings with。这也是最常见的两个句式。
所以,你的“(例如,他)擅长和学生打交道”,英语是:“He is good at having dealings with the students".或者是:“He is good as making contact with the students."
第1个回答  2019-02-28
擅长和学生打交道 英语

擅长... 的英文
be good at = do well in
和..打交道 的英文
deal with...

Be good at dealing with students.
Do well in dealing with students.
第2个回答  2019-02-28
easy-going with students
第3个回答  2019-02-28
主语+be good+at dealing with others.
第4个回答  2019-02-28
Someone is good at doing with students