

The SELLER shall have no obligation and/or liabilities with respect to defects discovered after the expiration of the period of guarantee specified above.

The SELLER shall be liable to the BUYER for defects and damages caused by any of the defects specified in Paragraph 1 of this Article provided that such liability of the SELLER shall be limited to damage occasioned within the guarantee period specified in Paragraph 1 above. The SELLER shall not be obligated to repair, or to be liable for, damages to the VESSEL, or to any part of the equipment thereof, due to ordinary wear and tear or caused by the defects other than those specified in Paragraph 1 above, nor shall there be any SELLER's liability hereunder for defects in the VESSEL, or any part of the equipment thereof, caused by fire or accidents at sea or elsewhere, or mismanagement, accidents, negligence, or willful neglect, on the part of the BUYER, its employees or agents including the VESSEL's officers, crew and passengers, or any persons on or doing work on the VESSEL other than the SELLER, its employees, agents or sub-contractors. Likewise, the SELLER shall not be liable for defects in the VESSEL, or the equipment or any part thereof, due to repairs or replacement which were made by those other than the SELLER and/or their subcontractors at the discretion of the BUYER, as hereinabove, except in the event of a default by the SELLER of its obligation under Paragraph 3 of this Article. Should the cable, telex or facsimile advice of defects in guarantee period be noticed by the BUYER to the SELLER, notwithstanding the nature of such defects being in compliance with the Specifications described in Paragraph 1 of this Article as guarantee item or not, the SELLER shall take active measures to assist the BUYER to remedy the defects in the quickest way.

The guarantee contained as hereinabove in this Article replaces and excludes any other liability, guarantee, warranty and/or condition imposed or implied by the law, customary, statutory or otherwise, applying to the construction and sale of the VESSEL by the SELLER for and to the BUYER.

Neither the SELLER nor the SELLER shall, in any circumstances, be liable for any consequential loss or special loss, or expenses arising from any cause whatsoever including, without limitation, loss of time, loss of profit or earnings or demurrage directly from any commitments of the BUYER in connection with the VESSEL.


卖方应承担买方的缺陷和所造成的损害的任何缺陷指明本条第1款的规定,这种责任卖方应限于损害的保证期在上文第1段。卖方应没有义务修理,或将要承担责任,赔偿的船只,或任何部分设备时,由于普通的磨损或造成的缺陷以外的其他规定上述第1款,也不不得有任何卖方的赔偿责任的缺陷以下的船只,或任何部分的设备时,所造成的火灾或海上事故或其他地方,或管理不善,事故,玩忽职守,或故意忽视,是对买方,其雇员或代理人,包括船只的人员,机组人员和乘客,或任何人或从事工作的船只以外的卖方,其雇员,代理人或分包商。同样,卖方不须承担缺陷的船只,或设备或其任何部分,由于修理或更换该发了言以外的卖方和/或其分包商的自由裁量权的买方,作为hereinabove ,除非在发生违约的卖方有义务根据本条第3款。如果电报,电传或传真咨询缺陷保修期应注意的买方卖方,尽管这种性质的缺陷是在符合规格描述本条第1款为保证项目或没有,卖方应采取积极措施,协助买方纠正缺陷的最快途径。


第1个回答  2008-10-12



第2个回答  2008-10-12
第3个回答  2008-10-13


