
1. He was seen to leave by me a few minutes ago. 他被我看到几分钟前离开了。
2. You are heard laughing by them. 你正在笑被他们听到了。
3. My pen was noticed taken by my brother by me. 我的笔被我弟弟拿走被我注意到了。
4. The boy was seen being questioned by the police by me. 那男孩被我看到正在被警察询问。

    He was seen to leave by me a few minutes ago. 他被我看到几分钟前离开了。

    从语法上讲没有问题,不过没必要强调是“我”看到了,即:一般不要by me

    You are heard laughing by them. 你正在笑被他们听到了。

    语法上没有毛病,不过也可以说They heard you laughing.

    My pen was noticed taken by my brother by me. 我的笔被我弟弟拿走被我注意到了。

    没有这么说的,一般用:I noticed that my pen was taken away by my brother.

4. The boy was seen being questioned by the police by me. 那男孩被我看到正在被警察询问。

一般可以把by me 去掉。

第1个回答  2022-05-08
1.He was seen by me to have left...2.Your being laughing are heard by them.3.My pen’s having been taken away by my brother was spotted by me.4The boy’s being questioned by the police was caught by me.用属格的名词被动化可以让句子主语更清晰,少去许多个by.