

1. 具有本身的动词特征:
* 及物动词可以由有自己的宾语;
* 可以由状语来修饰;
* 有时态和语态的变化
2. 在句子中起相当于名词、形容词或副词的语法作用

1. 不定式
* 主语:To talk with him is a great pleasure. 和他谈话是一件非常愉快的事。
注意:作主语可以用形式宾语表示——It is a great pleasure to talk with him
* 表语:Her job is take care of the chilgren and wash clothes. 她的工作是照看小孩和洗衣服。
* 宾语:She decided to try again. 他决定再试一次。
注意:做宾语是学习不定式的重点,应该掌握可以带有不定式宾语的一些特定动词,如意念动词 want, wish, decide, help, pledge 必须跟不定式,begin, start, like 和 forget,remember, regret, need 等动词跟不定式宾语的特殊含义。
* 定语:
He is always the first one to get up. 他总是第一个起床的人。
I have a few wirds to say. 我有几句话要说。
* 用在 be + 情感形容词后,如:
She is ready to help us. 他愿意帮助我们。
They are anxious to learn to do something important. 他们渴望做一些重要事情。
* 目的状语:
You must come to see me on Sunday.
Early in 2000 he went abroad to studay.
注意: 要掌握 in order to 和 so as to 用法。
* 结果状语:
A few years later he came home to find that his hometown had already changed.
注意:要掌握 so...as to, too...to 和 ...enough to 的用法。
2. 动名词:具有名词性,可以用作主语、宾语和表语
* 主语:
Talking is easy. 仅凭嘴说是容易的。
It is no use crying over spilt milk. 吃后悔药是没用的。
注意:如果表语是名词 no use, no good, no help 或形容词 useful, useless, helpful 等,一定要用动名词短语作主语(不能用不定式)
* 宾语:
直接宾语:Please stop talking.
注意:必须熟记必须跟动名词作宾语的特定动词,如 mind,imagine, finsh,consider, suggest,can't help 等,以及在某些动词后动名词和不定式作宾语的区别(见不定式)。
短语动词(动词+小品副词)后必须用动名词作宾语,如:give up 放弃, put off推迟,dally over 延误等。
* 表语:
Her favourite occupation is reading. 他最喜欢的是读书。
3. 分词:具有形容词性和副词性
* 定语
the working people 劳动人民。(people 是 working 的行为者)
worn clothes 破旧衣服 (clothes 是被穿破的)
The man carrying a big flag was a model worker. ( = The man who carried a big flag was a model worker.)
That is a book written by a worker. (= That is a book that was written by a worker.)
* 表语
现在分词作表语说明主语的特征:The story is interesting (故事的特征是有趣的)
过去分词作表语说明主语所呈现的状态:He is interested in the story. (他对故事呈现出感兴趣的状态)
* 宾语补足语:
现在分词说明宾语当时执行的行为:I saw him coming.(他正过来)
过去分词说明宾语是分词涉及的对象:I must have my hair cut. (头发被别人剪掉)
* 时间状语:相当于时间状语从句
Entering the dining room, he saw his mother in white clean overall. (= When he entered the diningroom, )
* 原因状语:相当于原因状语从句
Knowing that it was going to rain, he decided not to go out. (= Since he knew that it was going to rain)
* 方式或伴随状语:相当于一个并列分句
Laughing and talking, the students went out to the fields. (= the students laughed and talked and ...)
She stood there, waiting for the bus. (= She stood there and she waited for the bus)

1. 一般形式 :同步发生或一前一后紧接发生
* 不定式 to do
I saw him go out. (saw 和 to go 几乎同时发生)
Would help me to put things in order before we leave. (help 和put in order “整理好”同时发生)
* 动名词和现在分词 doing
He insisted on joining our team. (insisted 和 joining 前后发生)
Working there, we learned a lot from them. (Working 与 learned 同时发生)

2. 进行形式. 非谓语动的行为发生在谓语动词行为的中间
* 不定式:to be doing
* 动名词和现在分词已经有了进行意思,不存在这一形式。
3. 完成形式. 非谓语动时发生在谓语动词行为之前
* 不定式:to have done
I am sorry to have kept you waiting. (have kept 发生在 am sorry 之前)
* 动名词和现在分词: having done
I don't remember having seen you five years ago. (seen 发生在 remember 的五年以前 )
Having finished his work, he went to help others. (finished 发生在 went 之前)
* 主谓关系用主动语态
I regret being unable to write you earlier. (句子主语 I 是逻辑主语,是 be unable to write 的行为者)
* 动宾关系用被动语态
There is nothing left to be said. (nothing 是 to be said 逻辑主语,是被说出来的对象)
Jane like being read to when she is ill. (珍妮喜欢别人念给她听,Jane 是 being read 的逻辑主语)
Being asked to stay, I promised not to leave.(I 是 being asked的逻辑主语 )
1. 不定式的复合结构:for sb. to do sth.
It is important for us to learn science.
2. 动名词的复合结构:one's doing sth.,用作宾语代词也可以用宾格 + doing sth.
He insisted his friend's going with him.
He insisted his my/me going with him.
3. 分词的复合结构称作独立主格结构:
* 现在分词名词:普通格 + doing sth.
Weather permitting, I will go.
The question being settled, we wound up the meeting
* 过去分词:普通格 + done
Homework done, he sat up for a rest.
第1个回答  2010-04-28
1.sentence or not ?
2.subject or not ?
3.passive or not ?
其次,对一些搭配要熟悉,例如find sb doing sth,ask sb to do sth等等;
Walking in the complete darkness,____
A.his head knoked into the tree unexpectedly
B.he knocked into the tree unexpectedly
C.so he knocked into the tree unexpectedly
D.his head was knocked into the tree unexpectedly
乍看下去好像每个选项都对,仔细看看,这句子的意思,在黑暗中行走,他的头撞在树上,还是在黑暗中行走,他撞在树上?中文上解释,两个都对,但仔细看,没有选项,这不是个完整的句子,那这句子主语是谁?A的主语是his head,B是he,C是he,D,his head;再看,walking这个动作是谁发出的,his head吗?no,所以首先排除A、D,那再看C,so he knocked...这选项加上去,这句子完整吗?no,这不是个句子,所以只有B才正确。
再一题,Having been attacked by terrorists,___
A.doctors came to their rescue
B.the tall building collapse
C.an emergency measure was taken
D.warnings were given to tourists
1.A cook will be immediately fired if he is found__ in the kitchen.
A.smoke B.smoking C.to smoke D.smoked
SSP原则的第一个“S”对这类题作用不大,直接用第二个"S",subject,这句if he is found__ in the kitchen,主语是He,跟smoke的关系是主动发出,而且find sb doing sth是固定搭配,所以答案是B
2.the teacher asked us__so much noise.
A.don't make B.not make C.not makign D.not to make
ask sb to do sth,选D
3.__time,he'll make a first-class tennis player.
A.Having given B.To give C.Giving D.Given
主语:he;时间被给 答案D
4.It is believed that if a book is__,it will surely __the reader.
A.interested;interest B.interesting;be interested
C.interested;be interesting D.interesting;interest
5.The discovery of new evidence led to__
A.the thief having caught b.catch the thief
C.the thief being caught d.the thief to be caught
6.He looked around and caught a man__his hand into the pocket of a passager.
A。put b.to be putting C.to put d.putting
man 主动put hand,时态,ing, 答案D
7.__in the queue for half an hour,Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.
A.To wait B.Have waited C.Having waited D.To have waited
这种题最易判断,主语Tom,做了两个动作,wait和realize,时间上讲,那个动作先呢?当然是wait,他是在wait 的过程中才发现自己忘带wallet,而且wait 这个动作是Tom主动发出,用ing,A、D将来时,b过去,只有C才正确,看到having就知道时态上是一个字“先”,就像看到闪电再听到雷声
8.The flowers __sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty nature.
A.to smell B.smelling C.smelt D.TO BE SMETL
主语花,被闻起来,to be smelt? 注意,系动词没有被动形式,没有to be smelt这样的说法,smell是主动表被动,所以选B
9.The disc,digitally__in the studio,sounded fantastic at the party that night.
A.recorded B.recording C.to be recorded D.having recorded
主语the disc,被刻录,B、D错,时态,过去刻录,选A
10.After his journey from abroad,Richard returned home,__.
A.exhausting B.exhausted C.being exhausted d.having exhausted
第2个回答  2010-04-22
第3个回答  2010-04-22

1) 谓语动词与非谓语动词的判断


All things ___ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do
nothing but take the train.(1999.1)

A. had been canceled B. have been canceled

C. were canceled D. having been canceled


2) 谓语动词后不定式与动名词的选择


① I don't mind ____ the decision as long as it is not too late.

A. you to delay making B. your delaying making

C. your delaying to make D. you delay to make

② Had I remembered ____ the windows, the thief would not have
got in.(1996.1)

A. to close B. closing

C. to have closed D. having closed

③ Your hair wants ______ . You'd better have it done tomorrow.(1997.6)

A. cut B. to cut C. cutting D. being cut





3) 做定语的非谓语动词的选择



① The project ____ by the end of 2000, will expand the city's
telephone network to cover 1,000,000 users.(1999.6)

A. accomplished B. being accomplished

C. to be accomplished D. having been accomplished

② If I correct someone, I will do it with so much good humor
and self-restraint as if I were the one ______.(1996.6)

A. to correct B. correcting

C. having been corrected D. being corrected



① The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds _____ his

2 、非谓语动词考查特点
arguments in favor of the new theory.(2000.6)

A. to be based on B. to base on

C. which to base on D. on which to base

② The pressure _____ causes Americans to be energetic, but it
also puts them under a constant emotional strain.

A. to compete B. competing

C. to be competed D. having competed

way, time, moment, reason等要求其后用不定式做定语,不定式没有体的变化。

4) 做状语的非谓语动词的选择


① ______ the earth to be flat, many feared that Columbus would fall off the edge of the earth.(1996.6)

A. Having believed B. Believing

C. Believed D. Being Believed

② _______ a teacher in a university, it is necessary to have at
least a master's degree.(1995.1)

A. To become B. Become

C. One becomes D. On becoming

③ Realizing that he hadn't enough money and ____ to borrow from his father, he decided to sell his watch.(1995.1)

A. not wanted B. no to want

C. not wanting D. wanting not

④ ___ it or not, his discovery has created a stir in scientific

A. Believe B. To believe

C. Believing D. Believed








(4) 独立成分

有些非谓语动词的使用不受与句子主语关系的限制,称为独立成分,这类成 分只记忆即可。如:

generally speaking, judging from..., to tell the truth..., 等。

5) 做补足语的非谓语动词的选择


① They are going to have the service man ____ an electric fan in the office tomorrow.(1998.1)

A. install B. to install

C. to be installed D. installed

② After a few rounds of talks, both sides regarded the territory dispute ______.(1998.6)

A. being settled B. to be settled

C. had settled D. as settled

③ You will see this product ____ wherever you go.(2000.6)

A. to be advertised B. advertised

C. advertise D. advertising

④ His remarks left me _____ about his real purpose.(1999.6)

A. wondered B. wonder

C. to wonder D. wondering

⑤ When I caught him ______ me I stopped buying things there and

3 、非谓语动词考查特点
started dealing with another shop.(1997.1)

A. cheating B. cheat

C. to cheat D. to be cheating

⑥ The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the
audience _____ on benches, chairs or boxes.(2000.1)

A. having seated B. seating

C. seated D. having been seated



have, make, let, leave等特殊单词后的宾语补足语。




6) 做表语的非谓语动词的选择


① The house was very quiet, ____ as it was on the side of the

A. isolated B. isolating

C. being isolated D. having been isolated

② These surveys indicate that many crimes go _____ by the
police,mainly because not all victims report them.(2000.6)

A. unrecorded B. to be unrecorded

C. unrecording D. to have been unrecorded

分词做表语可以做系动词be的表语,也可以做其它系动词的表语,如go, feel,seem, look, remain等等。这些系动词后非谓语动词的饿用法规则是相同的。

7) to作为介词与作为不定式符号的选择


① I have no objection _______ your story again.(2000.6)

A. to hear B. to hearing

C. to having heard D. to have heard

② The traditional approach ____ with complex problems is to break down into smaller, more easily managed problems.(1996.6)

A. to dealing B. in dealing

C. dealing D. to deal

③ The man in the corner confessed to _____ a lie to the manager of the company.(1997.6)

A. have told B. be told

C. being told D. having told

这类考题的考查方式有两种,一是四个选项中有两个相对的选项to do something 和 to doing something,这时考查的自然是to的性质;另一种是to在题干中,如③。

8) 分词前连词的使用



Michael used to look hurt and surprised when ______.(1995.1)

A. scolding B. to scold

C. having scolded D. scolded



Careful surveys have indicated that as many as 50 percent of
patient do not take drugs ___ directed.(1996.1)

A. like B. so C. which D. as


9) 非谓语动词的体

非谓语动词中分词的体有完成体和进行体,即having done, having been done和being done,完成体只用于做状语的场合,而进行体可以用于做定语和做补足语。

4 、非谓语动词考查特点

动名词的体也有having done, having been done和 being done的结构主要用于做主语和宾语的场合。

不定式的体有to be doing 和to have done,主要用于pretend, happen, seem, appear, be said to等结构中。如:

① The man in the corner confessed to _____ a lie to the manager of the company.(1997.6)

A. have told B. be told

C. being told D. having told

having told在句中做介词宾语,表示动作发生在谓语动词之前。

② I'd rather read than watch television; the programs seem ____ all the time.(1997.1)

A. to get worse B. to be getting worse

C. to have got worse D. getting worse

从all the time的使用可以推断get worse是一个渐变过程,所以用不定式的进行体。

③ The speech _____ a lively discussion started.(1995.1)

A. being delivered B. was delivered

C. be delivered D. having been delivered




① _____ in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents
wished for.(1999.1)

A. The girl was educated B. The girl educated

C. The girl's being educated D. The girl to be educated

本题涉及题眼比较多,A,为从句做主语,但缺少that,D为不定式做主语,但缺少for(for the girl to be educated),B结构不能做主语,答案是C,为动名词的复合结构。

② Ann never dreams of _____ for her to be sent abroad very soon.

A. there being a chance B. there to be a chance

C. there be a chance D. being a chance

介词后用动名词,表示存在时必须用there be句型,所以答案为A,这也是动名词复合结构,there为动名词的逻辑主语。

③ I don't mind ____ the decision as long as it is not too late.

A. you to delay making B. your delaying making

C. you delaying to make D. you delay to make


④ I would appreciate _____ it a secret.(1995.6)

A. your keeping B. you to keep

C. that you keep D. that you will keep




这类题一般出现在独立主格结构中,如果在选项与句子之间没有连词,则说明,所选为独立主格结构,既名词或主格代词 + 分词。

All things ______, the planned trip will have to be called off.

A. considered B. be considered

C. considering D. having considered


____, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed
more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor.(1997.6)

A. Other things being equal

5 、非谓语动词考查特点

B. Were other things equal

C. To be equal to other things

D. Other things to be equal


4) 判断动名词复合结构的方式

主语位置上,或动词、介词后的"名词代词 + 非谓语动词",如果表示的是一个事件则是动名词复合结构,而不是"名词 + 定语。请看以下各例:

He insisted on the windows _____ open while he was sleeping.

A. left B. being left C. leaving D. be left

insist on后不接从句,D可以排除。这里表达的是坚持要求"开着窗子睡觉",所以应该是动名词复合结构,答案为B。

The road __________ caused us to be for our work for half an hour.

A. blocked B. was blocked

C. blocking D. being blocked


The concerned mother thrilled at the news of his son ____ to college.

A. had been admitted B. admitted

C. having been admitted D. having admitted


3) 注意分析非谓语动词与其逻辑主语之间的关系








① The project ____ by the end of 2000, will expand the city's
telephone network to cover 1,000,000 users.

A. accomplished B. being accomplished

C. to be accomplished D. having been accomplished

② Hard work ____ on time will lead to better grades.(1995.1)

A. done B. be done

C. having done D. to have been done

③ As early as 1647 Ohio made a decision that free, tax-supported schools must be established in every town _____ 50 households

6) 熟记固定搭配,分清不定式与to加动名词


prefer doing something to doing something

look forward to doing something

be used to doing something (习惯于做某事)

stick to doing something

object to doing something/ have objection to doing something

be opposed to doing something

admit/confess to doing something

I have no objection _____ your story again.(2000.6)

A. to hear B. to hearing

C. to having heard D. to have heard

6 、非谓语动词考查特点

The man in the corner confessed to ________ a lie to the manager of the company.

A. have told B. be told

C. being told D. having told

从出题人的心理来看,如果有to do something和 to doing something的对比项,一般答案是to doing something。

7) 分清宾补的类别

(1)感官动词后的宾补可以是doing, do, done, being done的结构,其中being done 只用于少数动词后面, 如find, smell, feel等。

(2)have somebody do something 让某人做某事

have somebody doing something 让某人一直做某事

won't have somebody do something 不许某人做某事

have something done 使某事被做

have something + ving 让……一直……


(4)leave somebody doing something 让某人一直做某事

leave something undone 使某事只做了一半

leave something to be done 事情有待于解决

leave somebody to do something让某事做某事,表示将来

(5)with somebody to do something宾补与宾语是主谓关系,表示将来。

with somebody doing something 宾补与宾语之间是主谓关系,表示正在进行。

with something to do 宾补与宾语间是动宾关系,表示将来,动作执行者在句中找的着。

with something to be done宾补与宾语是动宾关系,表示将来,但动作执行者在句中找不着。

with something done 宾补与宾语之间是动宾关系,表示完成。

8) 注意下列结构中非谓语动词的体

pretend/appear/seem/happen/ be said to do something


pretend/appear/seem/happen/ be said to have done something


pretend/appear/seem/happen/ be said to be doing something


9) 熟记哪些动词后接不定式,哪些接动名词,如果两者都可,又有什么差别。

既可接不定式,又可接动名词,用法有别的动词常考的有: forget,remember, regret, mean, try等。


want/need/require表"需要"时,后接主动的动名词或被动的不定式,即doing 或to be done的形式。不可混淆。
第4个回答  2010-04-25
一. 非谓语动词,顾名思义,本质是动词,但不做谓语。



二. 以下各举一个简单的例子说明:

I don't know where to go.(我不知该去哪儿。)
其中不定式to go 是非谓语动词。

I like walking in the rain. (我喜欢在雨中散步。)
其中动名词walking 是非谓语动词。

We need to drink as much boiled water as possible.(我们要多喝开水。)


三. 至于它们的语法功能,如在句中做主语还是宾语,还是定语,还是状语,就需要你同时掌握这些成分的特点。这些算不上非谓语动词的范畴了。


四. 但也有例外。


(1)to 为介词,后面加的是名词或动名词。这时它不是非谓语动词。如go to bed中to 就是介词,bed是名词; devote to working(忘情工作)。

(2)加ing的本身是名词。这时表面看起来的动词ing不是非谓语动词。如I have a bad feeling.(feeling是名词,感觉)

(3)加ed的本身是形容词。如talented(有天赋的),experienced(有经验的),aged (年老的), coloured (有颜色的), skilled (熟练的、有技巧的)。 区分形容词和过去分词,首先看他有没有被动的意义,如上面说过的boiled water 意思是被烧开的水,但experienced man 不能说是被经历过的人。其次,看是不是由名词还是动词加ed构成,由名词构成的,一定是形容词,而不是非谓语动词,如aged。

It is Monday tomorrow,the second day in a week.Should it rain,we wouldn't need to do morning exercises. (It没有实际意义,指代时间 \ it is Monday tomorrow 是用现在时表示将来时,表示规定的或已知的事实 \ the second day in a week 做 Monday的同位语,表示解释。\Should it rain是虚拟条件句,表示假设,完整形式是if it should rain. Should it rain 是倒装句,因为省略了if。\ Should it rain,we wouldn't need to do morning exercises. 是两个简单句组成的主从复合句,其中Should it rain是条件状语从句 ,we wouldn't need to do morning exercises是主句。)


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