

第1个回答  2022-10-23
红楼梦 = Dream of the Red Chamber 红楼梦 《红楼梦》是一部中国古典长篇小说,写成时间仍待考证,目前所见最早的抄本出现于清朝乾隆中期的甲戌年(1754年)。《红楼梦》书内提及的书名还有《石头记》、《金玉缘》、《情僧录》、《风月宝鉴》、《金陵十二钗》等;清乾隆四十九年甲辰(1784年)梦觉主人序本正式题为《红楼梦》;在此之前,此书一般都题为《石头记》。此后《红楼梦》便取代《石头记》而成为通行的书名。《红楼梦》的作者是谁长久以来未完全厘清,据胡适及林语堂曾考证,前八十回为清代的曹雪芹所作,后四十回为应有曹雪芹未写定之散稿,经高鹗和程伟元补成全书。 《红楼梦》被评为中国最具文学成就的古典小说及章回小说的巅峰之作,「中国古典文学四大名著」之一。在现代产生了一门以研究《红楼梦》为主题的学科——「红学」。 Dream of the Red Chamber Dream of the Red Chamber (Traditional Chinese: 红楼梦; Simplified Chinese: 红楼梦; pinyin: Hónglóu mèng)
also known as A Dream of Red Mions or The Story of the Stone (Traditional Chinese: 石头记; Simplified Chinese: 石头记; pinyin: Shítóu jì) is one of the masterpieces of Chinese fiction. It was posed sometime in the middle of the 18th century during the Qing Dynasty. The novel's authorship is attributed to Cáo Xuěqín (Cao Zhan). The novel is usually grouped with three other pre-modern Chinese works of fiction
collectively known as the Four Great Classical Novels. Of these
Dream of the Red Chamber is often acknowledged to be the zenith of Chinese classical fiction by scholars
although the novel as it survives is inplete and pleted by another's hand.
参考: ***  Wikipedia
《红楼梦》又名《石头记》,是中国古典小说四大名著之一,代表了古典白话小说创作的最高水准。但后世人及西方文学家均译为 "Dream of Red Chamber". 《红楼梦》成书于清乾隆年间,这个时代是中国封建社会最后的盛世,繁华的表像下孕育着末世哀音,《红楼梦》正是在此时应运而生的。自从《红楼梦》以抄本形式在社会上流传以来,受到人们的热烈欢迎,甚至有「开谈不说《红楼梦》,读尽诗书是枉然」之说。 时至今日,《红楼梦》依然散发著不朽的艺术魅力,为海内外广大读者所喜爱。
Dream of the Red Chamber 《红楼梦》被评为中国最具文学成就的古典小说及章回小说的巅峰之作,「中国古典文学四大名著」之一。