


第1个回答  2006-11-22
第2个回答  2006-11-21
第3个回答  2006-11-22
1、Department of commercial affairs memoir that, The choice self-service swims the tourist assumes the trend of escalation
2、According to the department of commercial affairs website news, the department of commercial affairs research institute recently issued "in 2006 China Summer To travel Tendency Report of investigation" to demonstrate, about one half can choose by the visitor in July goes to travel, the choice self-service went to travel the tourist assumed the trend of escalation. Surpasses most likely domestic visitor to plan the expense below 4,000 Yuan.
3、The department of commercial affairs research institute investigates the inland respectively to save 800 20 to 35 year-old inhabitant, finally discovered, the choice self-service goes to travel the tourist assumes the trend of escalation, occupies by the visitor one about the half.
4、The report pointed out that, is chosen by the visitor the most main three reasons which the self-service swims is: May own arrange the tourist itinerary, does not have in the time the limit, may depend on it to like the shopping, to taste the snack. By the visitor in the travelling schedule was considered most three factors respectively are: Traveling line and scenic spot, transportation way and lodgings condition
5、The report demonstrated that, the plan carries on the person anticipated expense bright influential person which the overseas self-service swims to be higher than the plan in the domestic traveling person. 65.4% overseas visitors plan expense above 10,000 Yuan, but 82.5% domestic visitors plan the expense below 4,000 Yuan.
6、The report demonstrated, swims the tourist regarding the self-service, most receives inland traveling place first five which welcome respectively is Beijing, Shandong, Yunnan, Hangzhou and Shanghai. But likes going to the overseas traveling, then the first choice Hong Kong and Macao area, accounts for 24.14%, goes far beyond second to fifth Thailand, Australia, France, South Korea, Japan.
回答者:fanzd - 助理 二级 11-21 23:22

Department of commercial affairs memoir that, The choice self-service swims the tourist assumes the trend of escalation According to the department of commercial affairs website news, the department of commercial affairs research institute recently issued "in 2006 China Summer To travel Tendency Report of investigation" to demonstrate, about one half can choose by the visitor in July goes to travel, the choice self-service went to travel the tourist assumed the trend of escalation. Surpasses most likely domestic visitor's to plan the expense below 4,000 Yuan. The department of commercial affairs research institute investigates the inland respectively to save 800 20 to 35 year-old inhabitant, finally discovered, the choice self-service goes to travel the tourist assumes the trend of escalation, occupies by the visitor one about the half. The report pointed out that, is chosen by the visitor the most main three reasons which the self-service swims is: May own arrange the tourist itinerary, does not have in the time the limit, may depend on it to like the shopping, to taste the snack. By the visitor in the travelling schedule was considered most three factors respectively are: Traveling line and scenic spot, transportation way and lodgings condition. The report demonstrated that, the plan carries on the person anticipated expense bright influential person which the overseas self-service swims to be higher than the plan in the domestic traveling person. 65.4% overseas visitor's plan expense above 10,000 Yuan, but 82.5% domestic visit's plan the expense below 4,000 Yuan. The report demonstrated, swims the tourist regarding the self-service, most receives inland traveling place first five which welcome respectively is Beijing, Shandong, Yunnan, Hangzhou and Shanghai. But likes going to the overseas traveling, then the first choice Hong Kong and Macao area, accounts for 24.14%, goes far beyond second to fifth Thailand, Australia, France, South Korea, Japan.
回答者:jackychen0201 - 千总 四级 11-22 07:02

英:The choice self-service swims the tourist assumes the trend ofescalation

According to the department of commercial affairs website news,the department of commercial affairs research institute recentlyissued "in 2006 China Summer To travel Tendency Report ofinvestigation" to demonstrate, about one half can choose by thevisitor in July goes to travel, the choice self-service went to travelthe tourist assumed the trend of escalation. Surpasses most likelydomestic to plan the expense below 4,000 Yuan.

The department of commercial affairs research institute investigatesthe inland respectively to save 800 20 to 35 year-old inhabitant,finally discovered, the choice self-service goes to travel the touristassumes the trend of escalation, occupies by the visitor one about thehalf.

The report pointed out that, is chosen by the visitor the most mainthree reasons which the self-service swims is: May own arrange thetourist itinerary, does not have in the time the limit, may depend onit to like the shopping, to taste the snack. By the visitor in thetravelling schedule was considered most three factors respectivelyare: Traveling line and scenic spot, transportation way and lodgingscondition.

The report demonstrated that, the plan carries on the personanticipated expense bright influential person which the overseasself-service swims to be higher than the plan in the domestictraveling person. 65.4% overseas plan expense above 10,000Yuan, but 82.5% domestic plan the expense below 4,000 Yuan.

The report demonstrated, swims the tourist regarding the self-service,most receives inland traveling place first five which welcomerespectively is Beijing, Shandong, Yunnan, Hangzhou and Shanghai. Butlikes going to the overseas traveling, then the first choice Hong Kongand Macao area, accounts for 24.14%, goes far beyond second to fifthThailand, Australia, France, South Korea, Japan.
法:Le libre-service bien choisi nage le touriste assume l'ofescalation detendance

Selon le département des nouvelles de site Web d'affairescommerciales, le département de l'institut de recherche de recherched'affaires commerciales recentlyissued l'été 2006 de la Chine de"in pour voyager ofinvestigation" de rapport de tendance ;pour démontrer, environ une moitié peut choisir par thevisitor enjuillet va voyager, le libre-service bien choisi est allée autouriste de travelthe a assumé la tendance de l'escalade. Surpasselikelydomestic pour projeter les dépenses en-dessous de 4.000 Yuan.

Le département de l'investigatesthe d'institut de recherche derecherche d'affaires commerciales intérieur respectivement poursauver 800 habitants de 20 à 35 ans, finalement découvert, lelibre-service bien choisi va voyager les touristassumes la tendance del'escalade, occupe par le visiteur un au sujet du thehalf.

Le rapport a précisé cela, est choisi par le visiteur les la plupartdes raisons de mainthree qui les bains de libre-service est : Peutposséder s'chargent de l'itinéraire de thetourist, n'ont pas dansl'heure la limite, peuvent dépendre onit à comme les achats, degoûter le casse-croûte. Par le visiteur dans le programmethetravelling a été considéré les la plupart respectivelyare detrois facteurs : Ligne de déplacement et tache scénique, manière detransport et lodgingscondition.

Le rapport a démontré cela, le plan continue personanticipated lapersonne influente intelligente de dépenses quil'overseasself-service nage pour être plus haut que le plan chez lapersonne domestictraveling. dépenses d'outre-mer du plan 65.4%au-dessus de 10,000Yuan, mais le plan de 82.5% domestiques lesdépenses en-dessous de 4.000 Yuan.

Le rapport démontré, bains le touriste concernant le libre-service,reçoit plus l'endroit de déplacement intérieur cinq premiers quiest welcomerespectively Beijing, Shandong, Yunnan, Hangzhou etChanghaï. Butlikes allant au déplacement d'outre-mer, puis lapremière région bien choisie de Hong Kongand Macao, comptes pour24.14%, disparaît lointain au delà du deuxième au fifthThailand,Australie, France, Corée du Sud, Japon
俄:Отборное самообслуживание плавает турист принимает ofescalationтенденции

Согласно отделу весточки website коммерчески дел, отделнаучно-исследовательскийа институт коммерчески дел recentlyissuedлето 2006 Китая "in для того чтобы переместитьofinvestigation" отчете о тенденции; продемонстрировать,около одна половина может выбрать thevisitor в июле идетпереместить, отборное самообслуживание пошла к туристу traveltheприняла тенденцию эскалации. Перегоняет likelydomestic для тогочтобы запланировать расход под 4.000 Yuan.

Окончательно открынный отдел investigatestheнаучно-исследовательскийа институт коммерчески дел средиземногосоответственно для того чтобы сохранить 800 жителей от 20 до35 year-old, отборное самообслуживание идет переместитьtouristassumes тенденция эскалации, занимает визитером одним оthehalf.

Рапорт указал из того, выбран визитером большинств причиныmainthree которые swims самообслуживания: May иметьаранжируйте itinerary thetourist, не имейте в временипредел, смогите зависеть onit к как покупке, пробовать заедк.визитером в thetravelling план-графике учл большую частьrespectivelyare 3 факторов: Перемещая линия и сценарное пятно,дорога перевозки и lodgingscondition.

Рапорт продемонстрировал то, план носит на personanticipatedперсона расхода яркая влиятельная котораяоверсеасселф-obslujivanie плавает для того чтобы быть болеевысоко чем план в domestictraveling персоне. международный расходплана 65.4% над 10,000Yuan, но отечественный план 82.5%расход под 4.000 Yuan.

Продемонстрированный рапорт, swims турист относительносамообслуживания, больше всего получает средиземным перемещая местомпервые 5 которое welcomerespectively будет Beijing,Shandong, Yunnan, Hangzhou и shanghai.Butlikes идя к международный перемещать, после этого перваяотборная зона Hong Kongand Макао, учет для 24.14%, идетдалеким за вторым к fifthThailand, Австралии, Франции, ЮжнаяКорее, япония
回答者:魔戒3 - 试用期 一级 11-22 10:18

Department of commercial affairs memoir: The choice self-service swims the tourist assumes the trend of escalation

According to the department of commercial affairs website news, department of commercial affairs's research institute recently issued "in 2006 China Summer To travel Tendency Report of investigation" to demonstrate, about one half can choose by the visitor in July goes to travel, the choice self-service went to travel the tourist assumed the trend of escalation. In which surpasses the most likely domestic tourist to plan the expense below 4000 Yuan.

The department of commercial affairs research institute investigates inland to save 800 respectively 20 to 35 year-old inhabitant, finally discovered, the choice self-service goes to travel the tourist assumes the trend of escalation, occupies by the visitor one about the half.

The report pointed out that, is chosen by the visitor the most main three reasons which the self-service swims is: May own arrange the tourist itinerary, does not have in the time limit, may depend on it to like the shopping, to taste the snack. By the visitor in the traveling schedule was considered most three factors respectively are: Traveling line and scenic spot, transportation way and lodgings condition.

The report demonstrated that, the plan carries on the human anticipated expense which1、Department of commercial affairs memoir that, The choice self-service swims the tourist assumes the trend of escalation
2、According to the department of commercial affairs website news, the department of commercial affairs research institute recently issued "in 2006 China Summer To travel Tendency Report of investigation" to demonstrate, about one half can choose by the visitor in July goes to travel, the choice self-service went to travel the tourist assumed the trend of escalation. Surpasses most likely domestic visitor to plan the expense below 4,000 Yuan.
3、The department of commercial affairs research institute investigates the inland respectively to save 800 20 to 35 year-old inhabitant, finally discovered, the choice self-service goes to travel the tourist assumes the trend of escalation, occupies by the visitor one about the half.
4、The report pointed out that, is chosen by the visitor the most main three reasons which the self-service swims is: May own arrange the tourist itinerary, does not have in the time the limit, may depend on it to like the shopping, to taste the snack. By the visitor in the travelling schedule was considered most three factors respectively are: Traveling line and scenic spot, transportation way and lodgings condition
5、The report demonstrated that, the plan carries on the person anticipated expense bright influential person which the overseas self-service swims to be higher than the plan in the domestic traveling person. 65.4% overseas visitors plan expense above 10,000 Yuan, but 82.5% domestic visitors plan the expense below 4,000 Yuan.
6、The report demonstrated, swims the tourist regarding the self-service, most receives inland traveling place first five which welcome respectively is Beijing, Shandong, Yunnan, Hangzhou and Shanghai. But likes going to the overseas traveling, then the first choice Hong Kong and Macao area, accounts for 24.14%, goes far beyond second to fifth Thailand, Australia, France, South Korea, Japan.
回答者:fanzd - 助理 二级 11-21 23:22

Department of commercial affairs memoir that, The choice self-service swims the tourist assumes the trend of escalation According to the department of commercial affairs website news, the department of commercial affairs research institute recently issued "in 2006 China Summer To travel Tendency Report of investigation" to demonstrate, about one half can choose by the visitor in July goes to travel, the choice self-service went to travel the tourist assumed the trend of escalation. Surpasses most likely domestic visitor's to plan the expense below 4,000 Yuan. The department of commercial affairs research institute investigates the inland respectively to save 800 20 to 35 year-old inhabitant, finally discovered, the choice self-service goes to travel the tourist assumes the trend of escalation, occupies by the visitor one about the half. The report pointed out that, is chosen by the visitor the most main three reasons which the self-service swims is: May own arrange the tourist itinerary, does not have in the time the limit, may depend on it to like the shopping, to taste the snack. By the visitor in the travelling schedule was considered most three factors respectively are: Traveling line and scenic spot, transportation way and lodgings condition. The report demonstrated that, the plan carries on the person anticipated expense bright influential person which the overseas self-service swims to be higher than the plan in the domestic traveling person. 65.4% overseas visitor's plan expense above 10,000 Yuan, but 82.5% domestic visit's plan the expense below 4,000 Yuan. The report demonstrated, swims the tourist regarding the self-service, most receives inland traveling place first five which welcome respectively is Beijing, Shandong, Yunnan, Hangzhou and Shanghai. But likes going to the overseas traveling, then the first choice Hong Kong and Macao area, accounts for 24.14%, goes far beyond second to fifth Thailand, Australia, France, South Korea, Japan.
回答者:jackychen0201 - 千总 四级 11-22 07:02

英:The choice self-service swims the tourist assumes the trend ofescalation

According to the department of commercial affairs website news,the department of commercial affairs research institute recentlyissued "in 2006 China Summer To travel Tendency Report ofinvestigation" to demonstrate, about one half can choose by thevisitor in July goes to travel, the choice self-service went to travelthe tourist assumed the trend of escalation. Surpasses most likelydomestic to plan the expense below 4,000 Yuan.

The department of commercial affairs research institute investigatesthe inland respectively to save 800 20 to 35 year-old inhabitant,finally discovered, the choice self-service goes to travel the touristassumes the trend of escalation, occupies by the visitor one about thehalf.

The report pointed out that, is chosen by the visitor the most mainthree reasons which the self-service swims is: May own arrange thetourist itinerary, does not have in the time the limit, may depend onit to like the shopping, to taste the snack. By the visitor in thetravelling schedule was considered most three factors respectivelyare: Traveling line and scenic spot, transportation way and lodgingscondition.

The report demonstrated that, the plan carries on the personanticipated expense bright influential person which the overseasself-service swims to be higher than the plan in the domestictraveling person. 65.4% overseas plan expense above 10,000Yuan, but 82.5% domestic plan the expense below 4,000 Yuan.

The report demonstrated, swims the tourist regarding the self-service,most receives inland traveling place first five which welcomerespectively is Beijing, Shandong, Yunnan, Hangzhou and Shanghai. Butlikes going to the overseas traveling, then the first choice Hong Kongand Macao area, accounts for 24.14%, goes far beyond second to fifthThailand, Australia, France, South Korea, Japan.
法:Le libre-service bien choisi nage le touriste assume l'ofescalation detendance

Selon le département des nouvelles de site Web d'affairescommerciales, le département de l'institut de recherche de recherched'affaires commerciales recentlyissued l'été 2006 de la Chine de"in pour voyager ofinvestigation" de rapport de tendance ;pour démontrer, environ une moitié peut choisir par thevisitor enjuillet va voyager, le libre-service bien choisi est allée autouriste de travelthe a assumé la tendance de l'escalade. Surpasselikelydomestic pour projeter les dépenses en-dessous de 4.000 Yuan.

Le département de l'investigatesthe d'institut de recherche derecherche d'affaires commerciales intérieur respectivement poursauver 800 habitants de 20 à 35 ans, finalement découvert, lelibre-service bien choisi va voyager les touristassumes la tendance del'escalade, occupe par le visiteur un au sujet du thehalf.

Le rapport a précisé cela, est choisi par le visiteur les la plupartdes raisons de mainthree qui les bains de libre-service est : Peutposséder s'chargent de l'itinéraire de thetourist, n'ont pas dansl'heure la limite, peuvent dépendre onit à comme les
第4个回答  2006-11-22
我感觉是因为你的工作原因不吧 ,是不是因为你的工作太清闲了啊,顺便问以下你是做什么工作的啊,如果是在办公室的话,不防你在换一下工作啊,比如建筑队,搬运工,。。。。。。找一些重的工作啊力气活啊,保你一天见效啊,比去医院还管用。