

吭僮邢缚悸且幌掳伞�ccording to a recent survey of 100 executive recruiters conducted by ExecuNet, 77% of recruiters reported using search engines to find background data on candidates. Of that number, 35% eliminated a candidate because of what they found online (an increase over the prior year's total of 26%).
在最近一份100个招聘经理参加的调查中显示,77%的猎头都利用搜索引擎找到候选者的背景资料。而其中的35%的候选人因为其在网上的记录而被排除(比前年的总数增加了26%)。National news magazine BusinessWeek points to even more impressive numbers, with a recent poll indicating that 87% of recruiters use search engines and social networks to decide about candidates. Additionally, at Climber.com we have seen a 300% increase in recruiter traffic from the major search engines over the last three months.
使之可视化---正确的方法To be noticed by today's tech savvy recruiters, you need to create a positive online presence for yourself, stat. And it's important to manage your message to control what recruiters see. Working with an Internet-savvy career company can help. At career management site Climber.com, proprietary software and search engine optimization tools are designed to present each candidate's skills and background in the best light. You will also want to review all of your online profiles to make sure that there is no evidence of CLMs (recruiter speak for "Career Limiting Move").
要想被如今高精明的招聘者所注意到,你需要在网上创建一个积极的自我形象。并且,掌控哪些信息会被猎头看到也很重要。和一家互联网专职公司合作对此很有帮助。在职业管理网站上,可将求职者的技能和求职背景通过私有软件和搜索引擎优先工具以最优秀的方式展示出来。你也许还想浏览你所有的在线资料,以确保没有对你职业发展有阻碍的资料。Free online tools -- such as social networking sites LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook -- can help contribute to your online presence as well. But while they are useful for a search on your name, they won't necessarily position you well on the specific search terms recruiters use.
免费在线工具---如社交关系网也可以帮助你在网上展现良好的个人形象。但是,它们只有在搜索你名字是有效,而在猎头利用专业搜索条件搜索时它们就起不到作用了。2.Understand Why Recruiters Are Doing the Research
理解为什么猎头要使用搜索引擎Let's face it -- the economy is tough, and recruiters have to be more resourceful than ever to find the perfect candidate. Search engines provide hundreds of free candidates, and companies such as Brownbag Recruiter and JobMachine now have classes to teach recruiters how to use search engines to source candidates. In addition, recruiters don't have time to waste on a candidate who's not a good fit since there are millions more people out there looking for work. Recent government data reported that there are 3.8 job seekers for every job in America today.
面对现实吧---在经济困难的当下,招聘人员需要从大量的求职者中找到最合适的候选人。搜索引擎提供了上百个免费的候选人,并且一些职业介绍公司设有专门的课程教招聘人员如何有效的利用搜索引擎找到合适的候选者。另外,招聘人员也没有时间浪费在一个条件不是很符合要求的候选人身上,因为还有千千万万个求职者等着应聘呢。最近的政府报告显示,美国每天有3.8个求职者竞争同一份职位。3.Turnabout Is Fair Play, Search Them!
公平的反击,搜索他们!If you're targeting specific employers, do your research. Based on their sites and company information, identify keywords that are likely to appeal to your ideal employer, and include these keywords in your online profile.
如果你中意于哪个公司,搜索他们。根据他们的网址和公司信息,找出可能会吸引你理想中上司的关键词,将这些关键词放在你的网上档案中。After studying the search terms that recruiters have used over the last four years, Climber.com can optimize user profiles to feature the top keywords that recruiters use when looking for candidates in their location, industry, and occupation.
在学习总结这四年中招聘人员所使用的搜索条件后,Climber.com可以优化用户档案,使用常用搜索关键词,使他们在招聘人员搜索求职者所在地,行业以及职业时尤为突出。4.Manage Your Online Brand Like a Rock Star
像摇滚明星那样管理你的网上招牌。In today's heavily networked world, your online brand is the way you connect with your audience. So manage it faithfully. Anytime you post online, whether on your blog, your website, your social networking page, or as a contributor elsewhere on the Web, you're adding to your online brand. Review your information frequently, and look at your online presence through a recruiter's eyes. On the Internet, it's tough to "erase" unfavorable content once it's live -- so manage your brand up front to make the most of your career opportunities.
第1个回答  2019-02-18









