
《大碗》里的那个泰勒 是不是也演过《偷天换日》里面那个老头啊?


唐纳德·萨瑟兰 Donald Sutherland

问尘情缘 Ask the Dust (2006)

Land of the Blind (2006)

Puffball (2006)

Empty City (2006)

美国怪谈/萦绕美国/美国梦魇 An American Haunting (2005)

美国武器 American Gun (2005)

傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice (2005)

战争之王 Lord of War (2005)

The Four Saints (2005)

Fierce People (2005)

北极光下 Aurora Borealis (2004)

'Salem's Lot (2004)

Frankenstein (2004)

The Life and Times of Arthur Erickson (2004)

"The Greatest Canadian" (2004)

冷山 Cold Mountain (2003)
意大利任务/偷天换日/意大利行动/意大利工作 The Italian Job (2003)
五月广场 Piazza delle cinque lune (2003)
Sex at 24 Frames Per Second (2003)
Baltic Storm (2003)
战争之路 Path to War (2002)
第74届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 74th Annual Academy Awards (2002)
费里尼全纪录 Fellini: Je suis un grand menteur (2002)
The Magic of Fellini (2002)
大腕/大腕的葬礼 Da wan (2001)
最终幻想 Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001)
Uprising (2001)
翻天大抢案 The Big Heist (2001)
美国影史百部佳片 AFI's 100 Years, 100 Thrills: America's Most Heart-Pounding Movies (2001)
"Queen Victoria's Empire" (2001)
战争艺术 The Art of War (2000)
太空牛仔 Space Cowboys (2000)
杀手无罪 Panic (2000)
Clint Eastwood: Out of the Shadows (2000)
2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (2000)
Threads of Hope (2000)
The Making of 'Space Cowboys' (2000)
The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (2000)
直觉 Instinct (1999)
异形总动员 Virus (1999)
Virus: Ghost in the Machine (1999)
Behind the Mask (1999)
头号潜舰 The Hunley (1999)
永无止境 Without Limits (1998)
跌落/暂时停止接触/夺命感应 Fallen (1998)
意外之财 Free Money (1998)
委以重任 Assignment, The (1997)
危机天敌 Natural Enemy (1997)
火线惊爆点 Shadow Conspiracy (1997)
杀戮时刻 Time to Kill, A (1996)
American Film Institute Salute to Clint Eastwood, The (1996)
公民 Citizen X (1995)
危机风暴 Hollow Point (1995)
恐怖地带 Outbreak (1995)
世纪电影 Century of Cinema, A (1994)
叛逆性骚扰 Disclosure (1994)
Lifeforce Experiment, The (1994)
往日情怀 Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All (1994)
异形杀机 Puppet Masters, The (1994)
最后裁决 Benefit of the Doubt (1993)
六度分离 Six Degrees of Separation (1993)
梦幻青春 Younger and Younger (1993)
Red Hot (1993)
魔法奇兵 Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)
冰川猎奇 Shadow of the Wolf (1992)
烈火雄心/浴火赤子情/回火 Backdraft (1991)
铁幕风暴 Eminent Domain (1991)
惊天大刺杀 JFK (1991)
玉米田的控诉 Long Road Home (1991)
Cerro Torre: Schrei aus Stein (1991)
DISCOVERY-非洲灵猿 People of the Forest: The Chimps of Gombe (1991)
Bethune: The Making of a Hero (1990)
血染的季节 Dry White Season, A (1989)
破茧威龙/锁住 Lock Up (1989)
Lost Angels (1989)
Apprentice to Murder (1988)
Rosary Murders, The (1987)
Heaven Help Us (1985)
革命 Revolution (1985)
两光大笨贼 Crackers (1984)
Ordeal by Innocence (1984)
贵客光临 Max Dugan Returns (1983)
刀锋冷 Eye of the Needle (1981)
Gas (1981)
Threshold (1981)
普通人 Ordinary People (1980)
熊岛壮士血 Bear Island (1979)
火车大劫案 First Great Train Robbery, The (1979)
Man, a Woman and a Bank, A (1979)
Murder by Decree (1979)
Liens du sang, Les (1978)
人体异形 Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
动物屋 Animal House (1978)
白求恩大夫 Bethune (1977)
小银幕大电影 Kentucky Fried Movie, The (1977)
一九零零 1900 (1976)
卡萨诺瓦 Casanova di Federico Fellini, Il (1976)
猛鹰雄风 Eagle Has Landed, The (1976)
蝗虫之日 Day of the Locust, The (1975)
Richter und sein Henker, Der (1975)
大妙谍 S*P*Y*S (1974)
血光鬼影夺命刀 Don't Look Now (1973)
Steelyard Blues (1973)
无语问苍天 Johnny Got His Gun (1971)
柳巷芳草/花街杀人王/克鲁特 Klute (1971)
小型谋杀案 Little Murders (1971)
寂寞的心 Act of the Heart (1970)
艾历克斯游仙境 Alex in Wonderland (1970)
战略大作战/铁甲雄师扫荡战/凯利的英雄们 Kelly's Heroes (1970)
风流医生俏护士 MASH (1970)
Start the Revolution Without Me (1970)
Interlude (1968)
Sebastian (1968)
Split, The (1968)
亿万头脑 Billion Dollar Brain (1967)
十二金刚 Dirty Dozen, The (1967)
欧伊底普斯王 Oedipus the King (1967)
Bedford Incident, The (1965)
Fanatic (1965)
Dr. Terror's House of Horrors (1965)
Promise Her Anything (1965)
第1个回答  2006-09-07

《偷天换日》(The Italian Job)
导演:加里-格瑞F. Gary Gray
主演:马克-沃尔伯格Mark Wahlberg
爱德华-诺顿Edward Norton
夏莉兹·赛隆(Charlize Theron
塞斯-格林Seth Green
唐纳德-萨瑟兰Donald Sutherland

第2个回答  2006-09-07


P.S 你说的是那个“偷天换日”啊?《意大利工作》的确是唐纳德·萨瑟兰,而肖恩·康纳利和凯瑟琳·泽塔琼斯演的那个也译作《偷天换日》吧?
第3个回答  2006-09-07