求 英文工作经历翻译,高手帮帮忙,小弟谢谢了

1. 根据客户要求制度项目计划与进度表。
2. 组织项目所需的各项资源。合理量化项目组各成员的工作,保证项目组目标明确且理解一致
3. 与客户沟通,了解项目的整体需求,并与客户保持一定联系,即时反馈阶段性的成果,和即时更改客户提出的要求
4. 在项目生命周期的各个阶级,跟踪、检查项目组成员的工作质量,协调项目组成员之间的合作
5. 开发过程中的需求变更,需要跟客户了解,在无法判断新的需求对项目的整体影响程度的情况下,须同项目组成员商量,最后确定是否接收客户的需求,然后再跟客户协调。确定要变更需求的情况下,须产生需求变更文档,更改开发计划,通知相关整理文档人员。
6. 项目提交测试后,了解测试结果,根据测试BUG的严重程度来重新更改开发计划。
7. 向上级汇报项目的进展情况,需求变更等所有项目信息。
8. 收集客户定单信息,安排工厂顺利生产,达到客户要求交期。
9. 项目完成的时候需要项目总结,产生项目总结文档。
10. 提供设计比较成熟的电子应用技术平台,服务各新老客户。
11. 配合客户解决电子工程、技术问题、交流经验,提高资源利用率。
12. 安排新产品完成相关安规认证。
13. 收集客户定单信息,安排工厂顺利生产,达到客户要求交期。

1. According to the customer request system project plan and schedule.
2 the resources needed to organize the project. Each member of the group rational quantification, ensure project goals clear understanding and agreement
3. Communicate with customer, understand the whole project requirements and maintain customer contact, instant feedback, and instant change customer request
4 in each class of the project life cycle, tracking, quality inspection team members work, coordinate the cooperation between team members
5 the development process, demand changes with the customer needs, the demand for new project can judge the whole extent of circumstances, shall consult with team members, and finally to determine whether receiving customer needs, and then coordinate with customers. To change the situation, must produce change, change documentation requirements development plan, notify relevant document filing personnel.
6 after testing, understand the project submitted to the test results, according to the severity of the BUG to change the development plan.
7 report to the progress of the project supervisor, demand changes all project information.
8. Collect customer order, arrange production factory information to customer requirements, smooth delivery.
9 when the completed project to project summary, project summary document.
The design of electronic technology is mature, the service platform for each new old customer.
11. With clients to solve the electronic engineering, technical problems, exchange of experience, improve the resource utilization.
12 new products to complete relevant regulatory arrangements authentication.
13. Collect customer order, arrange production factory information to customer requirements, smooth delivery.