现在是晚上九点,Tom正在做作业,可是他的邻居们正在制造各种噪音,请以“A Terrible(糟糕

现在是晚上九点,Tom正在做作业,可是他的邻居们正在制造各种噪音,请以“A Terrible(糟糕的)Night”.写一篇英语短文
参考词汇:make noise(制造噪音)bark(狗叫)terrible(糟糕的)quarrel(争吵)neighbor(邻居)play the guitar sing and dance

A Terrible Night

It's 9:00 in the nignt.Tom is doing homework at home.But neighbors are making noise in the time.You can hear a bark,and quarrel. And there are many people playing guitar.They are singing and dance.So terrrible a night is !Tom can't stand.He can't do homework careful.