For an increasing number of students at American universities, old is suddenly in. The reason is ob

6. '... old is suddenly in' in Paragraph 1 most probably means '_______'.
A. America has suddenly become a nation of old people
B. gerontology has suddenly become popular
C. more elderly professors are found on American campuses
D. American colleges have realized the need of enrolling older students

7. With the aging of America, lawyers can benefit _______.
A. from the adoption of the "elder law"
B. from rendering special services to the elderly
C. by enriching their professional knowledge
D. by winning the trust of the elderly to promote their own interests

8. Why can businessmen make money in the emerging elder market?
A. Retirees are more generous in spending money.
B. They can employ more gerontologists.
C. The elderly possess an enormous purchasing power.
D. There are more elderly people working than before.

9. Who can make big money in the new century according to the passage?
A. Retirees who are business-minded.
B. The volunteer workers in retirement homes.
C. College graduates with an MBA or law degree.
D. Professionals with a good knowledge of gerontology.

10. It can be seen from the passage that the expansion of America's elderly population ________.
A. will provide good job opportunities in many areas
B. will impose an unbearable burden on society
C. may lead to nursing home abuse and age discrimination
D. will create new fields of study in universities

6. 本题的理解要结合上下文,从全文来看,本篇文章所介绍的是老年学的问题,所以Old is suddenly in指的是老年学突然流行起来,选B。

7. 文章的细节都应该与文章的主题有关,从Lawyers can specialize in "elder law"来看,本题答案为A,即律师可以从老年法律中获益。

8. 文章第二段中are likely to be the wealthiest group of retirees in human history说明了商人之所以能从老年市场获益的原因,是因为这部分退休的老年都十分富有,并且肯为下一代花钱,答案为C。

9. 文章提到any student who combines an expert knowledge in gerontology with, say, and MBA or law degree will have a license to print money,但是C只说是拥有MBA或法律学位证书的毕业生,而文章说这些资格应该与老年学专业知识结合,D符合这一点,professionals可以指在MBA或律师专业比较优秀的人士,所以答案为D。

10.从文章第一段it also creates career opportunities in medicine and health professionals, and in law and business as well说明美国老龄人口的增加会在很多领域提供就业机会,答案选A。选项D是事实,不属于推理的结论,不符合题意。
第1个回答  2011-03-27
For an increasing number of students at American universities, old is suddenly in. The reason is ob


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