
CPU (central processing unit) configuration instruction control unit ALU main memory input/output device software instruction high-level instruction machine language binary form retrieve RAM floppy disk hard disk main circuit board ROM read-only-memory keyboard mouse scanner hardcopy softcopy printer monitor pixel operating system peripheral execute basic user interface application disk drive Multi-user Multiprocessing Multitasking Multithreading master control program secondary storage primary storage command language resource online order processing software program testing log log on log off personal computer software IBM-compatible 16 bit personal computer text-base command address graphical user interface icon built-in fax E-mail Internet access integration DVD USB workstation minicomputer server computer malfunction peripheral roll back boot up standby hibernation digital media Windows Media Player Star Menu firewall software system software application software low-level program compiler end-user program word processor database program Web browser development tools drawing, paint, and image editing program communication program productivity software presentation software graphic software CAD CAM document row column relational flat-file spreadsheet DB DBMS format HTML Data compression software applet Microsoft office title bar menu bar standard toolbar scroll bar ruler text area starts bar office clipboard record field client/server database system script SQL default digital program debug fault maintenance natural language statement expression Assembly language artificial language distributed environment Integrated Development Environment (IDE) MDI(Multi-Document Interface) SDI(Single-Document Interface) project window property window form code window software crisis discipline Requirement Analysis & Specification OO(object-oriented) class instance of a class analysis stage design stage OOA OOD OOP testing debugging verification validation black box functional testing white box glass box testing internal structure bug topology network device transmission media star bus ring host computer central cable local area network LAN wide area network WAN packet router switch bridge gateway FTP Tel-net WWW TCP/IP protocol OSI IP address

第1个回答  2006-01-04
CPU (central processing unit) configuration instruction control unit ALU main memory input/output device software instruction high-level instruction machine language binary form retrieve RAM floppy disk hard disk main circuit board ROM read-only-memory keyboard mouse scanner hardcopy softcopy printer monitor pixel operating system peripheral execute basic user interface application disk drive Multi-user Multiprocessing Multitasking Multithreading master control program secondary storage primary storage command language resource online order processing software program testing log log on log off personal computer software IBM-compatible 16 bit personal computer text-base command address graphical user interface icon built-in fax E-mail Internet access integration DVD USB workstation minicomputer server computer malfunction peripheral roll back boot up standby hibernation digital media Windows Media Player Star Menu firewall software system software application software low-level program compiler end-user program word processor database program Web browser development tools drawing, paint, and image editing program communication program productivity software presentation software graphic software CAD CAM document row column relational flat-file spreadsheet DB DBMS format HTML Data compression software applet Microsoft office title bar menu bar standard toolbar scroll bar ruler text area starts bar office clipboard record field client/server database system script SQL default digital program debug fault maintenance natural language statement expression Assembly language artificial language distributed environment Integrated Development Environment (IDE) MDI(Multi-Document Interface) SDI(Single-Document Interface) project window property window form code window software crisis discipline Requirement Analysis & Specification OO(object-oriented) class instance of a class analysis stage design stage OOA OOD OOP testing debugging verification validation black box functional testing white box glass box testing internal structure bug topology network device transmission media star bus ring host computer central cable local area network LAN wide area network WAN packet router switch bridge gateway FTP Tel-net WWW TCP/IP protocol
第2个回答  2006-01-04
把他复制进去点中文翻译 就可以了看到了本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2006-01-04
您看这些有什么用 你在和我装什么计算机大葱!!
你别拿计算机开涮,即使有人让你涮 你也给点银子可以吗?
第4个回答  2006-01-04
第5个回答  2006-01-04