我想用英文 把下面这段话 翻译成个性英文签名 : 年龄的距离注定了我和你 没有缘分 对于过去我会永远珍惜

希望 用真情来写出这段话 谢谢了 好的话 追加分 翻译完以后呢 希望能够吧汉语也给我说下 谢谢了

It's fated! We doomed to be separated because of the age gap, but I'll cherish the past forever.

It's fated! = 这是命运!
We doomed to be separated = 我们是注定不能在一起
because of the age gap = 因为年龄的距离
but I'll cherish the past forever. = 但我会永远珍惜过去。
第1个回答  2011-06-14
我就不明白了,怎么总有你这样的傻笔,非把破网名或一句话翻译成英文在那摆谱,装比。怎么?中文是给你丢脸了还是怎么的?自己其实根本就不懂,然后别人替你写的一句话,觉得有意思吗?不会在那装什么啊?还总你爱我,我爱你,你伤我,我伤你,就不会说点别的吗?像你这样的中国人,假!虚伪!无知!愚昧!不成熟!!!!凸显了中国人的劣根性!!!但我依然给你个译文,别采用机器翻译丢人现眼不懂装懂:We are doomed to have no predestined love due to age gap, but I will cherish our past, ever.
第2个回答  2011-06-14
It's the destination that we won't be together, but I will treasure the past forever.(还押韵呢~~)
第3个回答  2011-06-14
We are not meant to be beacause of the distance of our ages. But I will cherish the past of us forever.
第4个回答  2011-06-14
It's doomed from the age range that we do not have fate, I will always cherish the past anyway.