跪求高一英语必修一和二短语造句、有单词。急用。。 3Q。3Q。

in order words .
look foward to .
at the start of.
at the end of.
go to college.
be divided into .. t
ake part in .
make sure .
so that .
make progress.
as a result
.in fact.
fall aslep .
tell jokes.
get on &get off .&get into &get out of
take off
be short of
not..any more
out of dates
refer to
put up
so far
up to now
till now
get away from
a great many
a number of
go up
used ..to
in the area of
be proud of
be supposed to
consits of
as well
become known as
go down
come up with
from that momeny on
concentrate on
compared with
be connected with
take exercise
be crazy about
have a temperture
lie down
begin with
become ill
related to
break into
belong to
become addicted to
take one's advice
in order to
so as to
give up
be impressed with
spilt up
make a note of
be/get tired of
be found of
tell by
put off
take turns
a series of
in total
now that
believe in
be similar to
come out
fall in love with
be in love with
play a part
to one's surprise
in surprise
crazy about
every now and then
at the age of

呵呵 反正也是闲着 也是帮你做几个吧
呵呵 楼上的很全能啊 一个句子能换好几个的用啊
fall in love with: He fell in love with Marry at the first sight.
to one's surprise: To my surprise, you got the frist medal.
at the age of:She married with Tom at the age of 26.
be in love with: John is in love with his wife.
be crazy about: I'm really creaz about the noises upatairs.
come out: When will be the dictionary come out.
Do you think the dirty mark will come out.
out of dates: This kind of skirt out of date. (呃 貌似应该是 out of date 不加s)
哎 就这些了吧 我也没有时间呐 众人是太火焰高嘛 不知道造的这些句子 是不是太简单了啊 嘿嘿 不好意思了哈 怎么简单怎么来嘛 这个又没有要求 其实不难的 自己加油好好想想就好
第1个回答  2011-01-18
1.应该是in other words 吧, In other words, you are passed.
2.期望 Look forward to your early reply. Look forward to hearing form you.
3.sorry, so troublesome,such easy phrase(at the start of. at the end of. go to college .get on &get off .&get into &get out of....),no need to make sentence one by one. you are high shool students, you are supposed to acknowledge those easy ones in middle school.So lazy!