

Clearly, there are several advantages can be obtained from this change.
First, in those families with only one kid, he or she will no longer be lonely, so it is good for kids' mental health. Second, as there are more children, they can take care the elders together after growing up, so no one will be too tired of the responsibility for elders.

In spite of these advantages, more children can also cause problems.

For example, the financial pressure will rise, which will make it hard for the whole family to improve life quality. As for parents, they will need to balance their love on all the children, and that could be a really hard work.

In my opinion, however, all the problems mentioned above can be solved. This is because more children create more opportunities, they can earn much more than the amount used to raise them. So the whole family will improve life quality in the future. Also, parents can learn a lot by trying to balance their love on the children. As a result, they will become better parents and kids can get a better familly education.

Therefore, I agree with the change of this policy.