
2、我不明白 为了这种程度的事就轻易的绝望。我不能理解也不想理解。有些东西不管你怎么努力也都无法换回。也有无论怎么挣扎都逃脱不了的绝望。
3、悲观着 叹息着 这么做有什么用 停滞不前 即使是死人也办得到

1, abandoned the future, lose your dreams, scarred by desperation toss, but also get over it, and the reality of the struggle, never lose their elegance

2, I do not understand to this level and it was easy to despair. I can not understand do not want to understand. No matter how hard you try some things also can not exchange. There are also struggling to escape no matter how desperate.

3, the pessimism with a sigh what to do with the stagnant even the dead could do that
1、抛弃了未来,失去了梦想,被绝望折腾的伤痕累累,还能抛开过去,与现实斗争,绝不会失去自身的高雅。2、我不明白 为了这种程度的事就轻易的绝望。我不能理解也不想理解。有些东西不管你怎么努力也都无法换回。也有无论怎么挣扎都逃脱不了的绝望。2、我不明白 为了这种程度的事就轻易的绝望。我不能理解也不想理解。有些东西不管你怎么努力也都无法换回。也有无论怎么挣扎都逃脱不了的绝望。 百分之百正确的 好累啊
第1个回答  2011-05-01
1, abandoned the future, lost dream, be despair of scars, revs past, and still can put aside, never loses own reality struggle of elegant.

2, I don't understand that for this matter of degree of the despair of easily. I can't understand also don't want to understand. Something no matter how hard you also can change to return. Also have no matter how to struggle are not escape the desperation.

3, pessimistic a sigh do this have what use stagnant even dead also do it
第2个回答  2011-04-30
1. He discarded his future, lost his dreams, tortured and was scarred by despair. Yet still he managed to cast aside the dark memories of his past, fight with reality, and never once lost his noble character.

2. I can't understand, why would one be despaired by a mere trifle?
Don't try to answer my question. I won't understand and I don't wish to understand.
Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, there are just some matters that are irreversible.
There is no way you can escape from despair itself.

3. You wallow in pessimism, and you sigh. In truth, what difference does this make? You've stopped and refused to live on your life --- even a dead man can easily achieve so.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2011-04-30
1、Abandoned the future, lost dream, be despair of scars, revs past, and still can put aside, never loses own reality struggle of elegant.
2、I don't understand that for this matter of degree of the despair of easily. I can't understand also don't want to understand. Something no matter how hard you also can change to return. Also have no matter how to struggle are not escape the desperation.
3、Pessimistic a sigh do this have what use stagnant even dead also do it