
SM最初的重点是娱乐管理业务,但现在新的附属子公司业务领域不断扩大。SM早在日本与香港等地设立“SM Entertainment JAPAN”和“SM Entertainment ASIA”等子公司,除与日本最大唱片公司爱贝克思建立长久的合作关系之外,于2008年设立面向美国市场的“S.M. Entertainment U.S.A.”扩展业务。SM Entertainment当前总资产80,424,713,654韩圆,现时亦为股票上市之企业

Original focal point of SM is recreational management bussiness, but the business area of new associated undertaking is growing biger continuous today. SM has established subcompany in Japan and HK, named SM Entertainment JAPAN and SM Entertainment ASIA. Not only made a long-term cooperation with the biggest record company-Abex, but also founded S.M. Entertainment U.S.A to expand the business in America.SM Entertainment possesses KRW 80,424,713,654 as total assets, and becomes a listed company nowadays.追问

