

11-15 ABCAB 16-20ACACB
21-25 BCDCB 26-30DBDDA
31-35 CCACD 36-40BEACF
41-45 CDBCD 46-50DBACB
51-55 DADBD 56-60DBDCB
61. oldest 62.an
63. developed 64.entertainment
65. unexpected 66.to avoid
67. for 68.are included
69. which 70.to have
71. ... the toy ... toy → toys
72. ... played with ... played前加were
73. ... their cover ... their → its
74. ... From Rose ... From → To
75. ... exact what ... exact → exactly
76. ... giving that ... 去掉that
77. ... that I wanted ... which → what
78. ... what I need ... need → needed
79. ... how wisely ... wisely → wise
80. ... such carefully ... such → so
One possible version:
Dear Mark,
I'm glad to hear that you have a passionfor reading. I'd like to recommend this book to you — How to Win Friends andInfluence People.
This is one of the most popular books inhuman history. It mainly tells us how to behave and get along with others inour daily lives. The writer gives us many brilliant rules and practicalsuggestions on how to win friends and influence people. We all know that how tocommunicate with others plays a very important part in our lives. And this bookhas long been considered to be the best one in this field. I'm sure you'llbenefit a lot from it.
Wish you a wonderful summer holiday!
Li Hua

21. B。细节理解题。由I can't be good at everything部分中的It was a big blow for me to realize maybe I couldn't nail everythingthat came my way可知,作者意识到她不可能事事都做得好。
22. C。推理判断题。由Not everyone will be my best friend部分中的I've realized we can't depend on making a best friend with everyonewe meet可知,作者明白在遇到的人当中,只有一些人最后会成为她最好的朋友。
23. D。细节理解题。由I should be open to change部分中的because I wanted to work for the company I was set on working for可知,因为作者期望去自己想要去的那家公司实习。
24. C。推理判断题。由末段中的I've realized a truth: We don't have time for them all. We can stayambitious, but we have to pick those things we truly care about可推知,作者认为大学生应该避免太繁忙的日程安排。
25. B。推理判断题。由第一段中的When he came to analyze their embarrassing errors, he was surprisedto find that nearly all of them fell into a few groups和末段的原因分析可知,该研究的目的是为了解释人们为何心不在焉时会发生行为错误。
26. D。推理判断题。由第二段中的举例以及somehow the action got reversed in the program可知,“program assemble failures”是指行为颠倒,故D项中的男士先穿鞋后穿袜子属于该类。
27. B。词义猜测题。由第三段所举的例子可推知,之所以去开车却成了去花园穿夹克和鞋子以及没脱袜子就洗澡的原因是没有核查自己的行为,故verifying此处可用checking来代替。
28. D。推理判断题。由第四段所举的例子可推知,“information storage failures”是指大脑短时间内部分记忆缺失。
29. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的It usually consists of a series of humorous stories可知,单口相声通过讲有趣的故事来逗笑观众。
30. A。细节理解题。由末段中的There are no written words used: the actors make up the plot anddialogue as they go along可知,不同于单口相声,即兴喜剧没有剧本(它是一种由观众现场出题,演员当场即兴表演的喜剧形式)。
31. C。标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文介绍了三种不同的喜剧类型及其特色。
32. C。细节理解题。由World of Stamps部分中的explain howstamps have shaped history and honored people and places worldwide可知,该邮票展可以让游客加深对邮票重要性的了解。
33. A。推理判断题。由Gems of American Philately部分中的examining 13 of the most rare and highly valued stamps in the worldof the stamp collection和The treasures... Each tells a story about an important event in US history可推知,在这个展厅可以看到美国最有价值的邮票。
34. C。细节理解题。由最后一段中的footage shows the process of making stamps可知,参观Connect with US Stamps展厅可以了解邮票的制作过程。
35. D。体裁推断题。通读全文可知,本文是关于美国国家邮政博物馆的展览指南。
36. B。由上句中的Some ... are already taught in schools可知,B项中的less obvious ones与之对应,故选B项。
37. E。由小标题Imagination以及下文中的两个问句Howcould it be improved? Can you think of three improvements?可知,E项中的come up with newapproaches and new ideas与之相吻合,故选E项。
38. A。由小标题Problem solving以及come up withcreative solutions和Think of someproblems可知,A项的设问Can you think of any solutions?与之衔接,故选A项。
39. C。由小标题Communication skills以及goodcommunicators可知,C项中的关键词communicate是很好的提示,故选C项。
40. F。由小标题Decision making以及下文中的Make adecision now to do at least one of these things可知,F项中的be confident inmaking a decision与其相一致,故选F项。

41. C。由下句中的attracted以及第二段中的watching可知,睡觉前半小时,小约翰坐在他的蓝色软椅上看(watching)《小小巴赫》DVD。
42. D。他被玩具火车、小婴儿以及玩具熊的欢快声音和图片(pictures)所吸引。
43. B。44. C。由just 7 months old可知,他只有七个月大,太小(young)而不会说话。但是像其他的美国幼儿一样,他几乎从(since)出生就一直在看《小小爱因斯坦》系列片。
45. D。由第一段的内容以及下文中提到的television可知,如今许多婴幼儿每天都有好几个小时沉浸于电子(electronic)媒介中。
46. D。47. B。由children和6 months可知,百分之十的6个月到2岁(years)的幼儿有一个为孩子设计(designed)的电视遥控器。
48. A。49. C。百分之三十二的幼儿有七年前生产(created)的《小小爱因斯坦》系列片,该系列片让婴幼儿(babies)认知诗歌、语言、音乐和艺术。
50. B。《小小爱因斯坦》是迪斯尼系列(line)产品,包括书、抽认卡和木偶。
51. D。由后面的“Baby Shakespeare”,“Baby Galileo”和“Baby Newton”可知,此处指这些DVD和录影带的名称(titles)。
52. A。由下文中的No ‘Baby Bach.' I wantMose-art可知,两岁的摩根已经有清楚的影片偏好。
53. D。由No, Mommy可推知,当妈妈打开(put on)《小小巴赫》的时候,摩根拒绝看。
54. B。55. D。由下文中的the study was trying to help parentsunderstand ...可知,专家们不知道看多媒体(media)产品长大的孩子和在互动玩耍中长大的孩子有多大区别(difference)。
56. D。57. B。由后文中director of Zero to Three, a nationalcenter for babies and families可知,那个研究是为了帮助父母明白幼儿早(early)期最需要(need)的是成人。
58. D。由上文中的trying to help parents understand ... mostis adults可知,我们人类生来(programmed)就应该在人际互动中学习。
59. C。由a large quantity of television可知,过度地看电视对幼儿不好(good)。
60. B。由本空前的better to watch with them和本空后的the only time they put the DVD in is whenthey need a relief from childcare可知,本空表转折。
61. oldest。考查形容词最高级。“one of the +形容词最高级+名词复数”表示“最……之一”,故填oldest。
62. an。考查冠词。设空处修饰名词part,且其后紧跟的形容词是以元音音素开头的单词,故填an。
63. developed。考查时态。由时间状语in wartime可知,谓语动词应用一般过去时态,故填developed。
64. entertainment。考查词性转换。设空处和sport并列作介词of的宾语,故填entertainment。
65. unexpected。考查形容词。设空处和dangerous并列修饰名词moves,表示“出其不意的险招”,故填unexpected。
66. to avoid。考查非谓语动词。动词不定式短语在此作目的状语,故填to avoid。
67. for。考查介词。for example为固定短语,表示“例如”,故填for。
68. are included。考查时态和语态。由时间状语in the modern Olympic Games可知,谓语动词include应用一般现在时态,且主语Twostyles of wrestling和谓语动词include是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填一般现在时态的被动语态are included。
69. which。考查定语从句引导词。which在此引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词moves,且在从句中作主语。
70. to have。考查非谓语动词。由主语goal可知,设空处应用动词不定式作表语,故填tohave。