

1. Amor with Restraint, Pride that Hurts
- 原名:Amor抑心crofyPride 傲骨
- 改正:Amor with Restraint, Pride that Hurts
2. Tired and Weary, the City Initia
- 原名:Tired 累了倾城
- 改正:Tired and Weary, the City Initia
3. Scarred Heart, Lonely Melody
- 原名:心疤Heart~Lonely 寂寞
- 改正:Scarred Heart, Lonely Melody
4. Monody for the Sunny Day
- 原名:Monody 挽歌
- 改正:Monody for the Sunny Day
5. First Betrayal, Nostalgic Whispers
- 原名:Betray念旧
- 改正:First Betrayal, Nostalgic Whispers
6. Cursed Corruption, the Road to Destiny
- 原名:cuneseCorrupt 堕落
- 改正:Cursed Corruption, the Road to Destiny
7. False Pretenses, the Pretend Seven
- 原名:Pretend 假装
- 改正:False Pretenses, the Pretend Seven
8. First Love, the Toro of Betrayal
- 原名:忘了爱 Toro染血
- 改正:First Love, the Toro of Betrayal
9. Heartache, the Invader's Regret
- 原名:Invader禁戒
- 改正:Heartache, the Invader's Regret
10. Ambition, the Core of the Problem
- 原名:AbNEgaTEAmbition 野心
- 改正:Ambition, the Core of the Problem
11. Sad Feelings, Running Away
- 原名:Feel sad 心酸
- 改正:Sad Feelings, Running Away
12. Smiling City, the Struggle Within
- 原名:Smile 凉城丶
- 改正:Smiling City, the Struggle Within
13. Emptiness, the Half-transparent Loss
- 原名:no col﹣迷失
- 改正:Emptiness, the Half-transparent Loss
14. Distress, the Afflictive Distance
- 原名:Afflictive 难受
- 改正:Distress, the Afflictive Distance
15. Far-fetched, the Forced Murderer
- 原名:Murder(谋杀)
- 改正:Far-fetched, the Forced Murderer
16. Air of Solitude, the Airport's Gaze
- 原名:Airport(空港)
- 改正:Air of Solitude, the Airport's Gaze
17. Twilight's Britney, the Midnight's Sigh
- 原名:Britney(暮光)Midnight(未央)
- 改正:Twilight's Britney, the Midnight's Sigh
18. Sudden Change, the Tsundere's Heart
- 原名:Tsundere(骄傲)
- 改正:Sudden Change, the Tsundere's Heart
19. Heartplug, the Wound of Sorrow
- 原名:Heart plug(心殇)
- 改正:Heartplug, the Wound of Sorrow
20. Bigotry, the Blind Faith's Chill
- 原名:bigotry(偏执狂)
- 改正:Bigotry, the Blind Faith's Chill
21. Cool Breeze, the Chilly Grief
- 原名:Chilly breeze(凉风)
- 改正:Cool Breeze, the Chilly Grief
22. Care for You, the Guardian's Whisper
- 原名:Care for you(守护衫陵禅你)
- 改正:Care for You, the Guardian's Whisper
23. Echoes of the Rainbow, the Time's Thief
- 原名:Echoes of the rainbow(时间戕贼)
- 改正:Echoes of the Rainbow, the Time's Thief