

第1个回答  2022-06-16
  The pictures are beautiful, aren’t they? Yes, they are.

  It’s a nice day, isn’t it? Yes, it is.

  You like sports, don’t you? Yes, I do.

  It looks like rain, doesn’t it? No, it doesn’t.




  Henry is a good boy, isn’t he?

  She cant’ drive, can she?

  2.除there be句型之外,疑问句的主语必须与陈述部分的主语在人称、数、性方面保持一致。如:

  She went there last Sunday, didn’t she?

  Mr. White was careless, wasn’t he?

  The kite flies very high, doesn’t it?

  They study hard, don’t they?

  We won’t go there, will we?


  You can swim, can’t you?

  He hasn’t met my sister, has he?

  4.当陈述句是“I’m +表语”时,由于“am not”无省略形式,附加疑问句用“aren’t I”代替。如:

  I’m late, aren’t I?

  I’m a student, aren’t I?

  5.当陈述部分是祈使句时,后面的附加疑问句用will you? /won’t you?/can you? /can’t you?祈使句的否定结构后只能用will you? 如:

  Open the window, won’t you?

  Sit down, can you?

  Don’t forget, will you?

  6.如果陈述句是there be结构,在附加疑问句中用be not there结构? 如:

  There is something wrong, isn’t there?

  There won’t be any trouble, will there?

  7.当前面的`陈述句中有含否定意义的如no, never, hardly等词时,应视为否定句,其后的附加疑问句应用肯定。如:

  He has few friends, does he?

  You have never been here, have you?

  She can hardly write her name, can she?

  8.当陈述部分是let’s…时,其后附加疑问句用shall we?

  当陈述句部分是let us…时,其后附加疑问句用will you?

  Let’s go home together, shall we?

  Let us go home, will you?

  9.反意疑问句要用yes, no来回答。只要事实是肯定的,用yes;事实是否定的,用no.不管提问时是肯定还是否定。





  We study hard at school every day.

  He goes to school by bike.


  Did you go there last week?

  I went to see my uncle yesterday.


  I’ll come to see you next Sunday.

  She is babysitting her sister this weekend.

  We are going to Wuhan next Monday.


  Is she listening to music?

  He is having a meeting.


  What was she doing when you came in?

  They were watching TV when I went into the room.


  I have learned English for 5 years.

  Have you ever been to Singapore?


  We have been skating for two hours.

  She has been learning Chinese since she came to China.
