
我英语成绩还行,交流也还可以,但在美服玩游戏时,遇到和外国人即时交流的时候,就感觉不能很好的表达 我在此想问几个问题。。


3,AHHH 是什么意思?应该是个语气助词之类的吧

4,要表达“我懂了”,除了 i get it,还有什么吗?

也许我还会再追加提问一些,麻烦各位帮帮我吧 谢谢啦
最好是专业点的同学回答我哦,不要直接翻译的那种 我需要的是他们的网络交流用语

我英语成绩还行,交流也还可以,但在美服玩游戏时,遇到和外国人即时交流的时候,就感觉不能很好的表达 我在此想问几个问题。。
I am lagging
too lag

lol-laugh out loud 最常用吧
其是你喜欢怎么笑都行 haha hehe 什么的外国人都懂

3,AHHH 是什么意思?应该是个语气助词之类的吧


4,要表达“我懂了”,除了 i get it,还有什么吗?

这个不用那么正式...casual 一点久好了
Ex Ya.
Got it.
I know

第1个回答  2011-11-15
121: one to one
ADN: any day now
ADR/addy: address
AFAIK: as far as I know
AFK: away from keyboard
A/S/L: age, sex, location (or just "ASL")
ASAP: as soon as possible
B4: before
B4N: bye for now
BB: best boy
BBFD: big bad forum discussion
BBL: be back later
BF: boyfriend or best friend
BFF: best friends forever
BFFL: Best Friends For Life
BFFN: Best Friends for now
BFN: bye for now
BG: big grin / best girl
BMA: best mate always
BNR: but not really
BRB: be right back
BRT: be right there
BTA: but then again
BTW: by the way
C: see?
CID: crying in disgrace
CNP: continued [in my] next post
CP: chat post
CU: see you
CUL: see you later
CYA: see you (later) / cover your A**
CYO: see you online
DBAU: doing business as usual
DD, DH, DS, DW: dear daughter, dear husband, dear son, dear wife (often used on boards where you discuss personal things, but wish to keep private the names of your loved ones)
DW: dont worry
EIP: editing in progress
FML: F*** My Life, also a increasingly popular site, FMyLife.com
FTW: for the win or f*** the world or For The World
FUD: fear, uncertainty, and doubt/Food
FWIW: for what it's worth
FYI: for your information
G2G or GTG: got to go
G: grin
GA: go ahead
GAL: get a life
GF: girlfriend
GFN: gone for now
GFY: go f*** yourself/good for you
GG: gotta go/good game
GJ: good job
GL: good luck
GM: good morning
GMBO: giggling my butt off
GMTA: great minds think alike
GSOH: good sense of humor
GTFO: get the f*** out
GTG or G2G: got to go or get together
GYPO: get your pants off
H2G: have to go
HAGN: have a good night
HDOP: help delete online predators
HHIS: hanging head in shame
Homg: same as OMG
IAC: in any case
IANAL: I am not a lawyer (but)
IAWTC: I agree with this comment
IC: I see
IDC:I don't care
IDK: I don't know
IFSFWI: if the shoe fits, wear it!
IIRC: If I recall correctly
ILU: I love you
ILY: I love you
IMNECTHO: in my not-even-close-to-humble opinion
IMNSHO: in my not so humble opinion
IMO: in my opinion; or "IMHO" - in my humble/honest opinion
IMS: If memory serves
IOW: in other words
IPN: I’m posting naked
IRL: in real life
IWSN: I want sex now
JC: just chilling
K: all right / okay
KFY: kiss for you
KIT: Keep in touch
KTHX: Okay, thanks.
JK: just kidding / joking; also JKING
JSUK: just so you know
KPC: keeping parents clueless
L8R: later
LAFFO: laughing out loud
LBR: loser beyond repair
LD: later, dude
LDR: long distance relationship
LLTA: lots and lots of thunderous applause
LMIRL: let's meet in real life
LMAO: laughing my *** off
LMSO: laughing my socks off
LMFAO: laughing my f*** a** off
LMK: Let Me Know
LOL: laughing out loud, lots of love
LOLZ: Same as LOL
LQTS: laughing quietly to self
LTNS:long time no see
LTP: learn to play (L2P)
LTR: longterm relationship
LULAB: love you like a brother
LULAS: love you like a sister
MML: making me laugh
MMORPG: massively multiplayer online role playing game
MOOS: member(s) of the opposite sex
MorF: Male or female?
MOSS/MOTSS: member(s) of the same sex
M/F: male or female
N1: nice one
NALOPKT: not a lot of people know that
NERF: Non-Expanding Recreational Foam (NERF is a company). Also, nerf when used a a verb (example: The paladins were nerfed in the last game update.) is generally a gaming term meaning that the subject has been lowered in power/stats.
NE1: anyone
NFI: no f***ing idea
NFW: no f***ing way
NIAGW: not in a gay way
NIFOC: naked in front of computer
NO1: no one
NOOB: newbie (new to the site/new to texting/new to whatever)
NSFW: not safe for work
NP: no Problem
N/P: no problem
NVM: nevermind
NM: not much, nothing much, never mind
OIC: ohh I see
OMG: oh my God, oh my goodness, oh my gosh
OMGBBQWTF: oh my God, Bar-b-q, What The F*** (surprise and confusion). Sometimes spelled OMGWTFBBQ.
OMFG: Oh my f*****g God
OLL: oh, Lordy, Lordy!
OLL: online love
OMW: on my way
OP: original post/original poster
OTOH: on the other hand
OTW: on the way
P911: parent alert
PAL: parents are listening
PAW: parents are watching
PCM: Please call me
PIR: parent in room
POS: parent over shoulder / Piece of S***
PLZ: please
PlzKThx: Please. ok? Thanks. (Thanks in advance)
PlzKThxNo-Re: Please, ok, Thanks, No-Read (sarcasm)
PL0x or PLOX: same as please
Pwn: to triumph (not actually an abbreviation, but rather a misspelling of own)
PDA: public display [of] affection
QFT: quoted for truth
R: are (common)
RBA: right back at you (right back atcha)
RL: real life
RTFM: read the f***ing manual
RTFO: rock the f*ck out
ROFL: rolling on floor laughing
ROTFLOL: rolling on the floor laughing out loud
ROFLMAO: rolling on the floor laughing my a** off
RPG: role playing games
RP: roleplay
SA: something awful
SGXK: set a good example for the kiddies
SHID: slaps head in disgust
SLAP: sounds like a plan
SLGF: secondlife girlfriend
SO: significant other
SOMY: sick of me yet?
SorG: straight or gay
SOT: short of time
SUF: shut up fool
STFU: shut the **** up
STHU: shut the h*** up
TBH : to be honest
TDTM: talk dirty to me
THX: thanks
THT: That
TIA: thanks in advance
TMI: too much information
TTFN: ta-ta for now
TTYL: talk to you later
TTYS: talk to you soon
TTLY: totally
TY: thank you
U: you (common); how are you?; or you do it!
U/C: Can also be typed as UC. Means under construction.
UW: you’re welcome
w/e: whatever
WAT: What?
WAYT: what are you thinking?
WB: welcome back/ write back
WDYT: what do you think
WFM: works for me
WIBNI: wouldn't it be nice if
WIP: work in progress
WTGP: want to go private?
WTG: way to go
WTF: what the f***, what the frak, alternatively Where's The Food or Way too funny
WTH: what the heck, or what the he**
WUIP: wind up in progress
WUBU2: what you been up to
WUD: what you doing
WUU2: what you up to
WYCM: will you call me?
WYSIWYG: what you see is what you get
YM: young man
YMMV: your mileage may vary
YTMND: you're the man now, dog
YW: you're welcome
ZOMG: same as OMG
第2个回答  2011-11-16
1.there is something wrong with my computer
2.I‘m so happy!
4.I see!