Make Up To You和 Make It Up To You有区别吗?都是巴结、讨好的意思吗?


第一个是英式英语里的一句口语些的说法 是巴结讨好的意思 注意的是up要重读
第二个则是英语里的通用用法 补偿的意思。

参考资料:牛津高阶词典 朗文双解

第1个回答  2011-11-10
1. They only say "make up" or "make it up" when they mean forgiving someone and being friendly with them again after an argument or disagreement. The Chinese equivalents would be "和好" or "言归于好". (Examples: a. They kissed and made up, as usual. b. We often quarrel but always make it up soon after.)

2. The phrasal verb "make up to sb", more often than not used in UK, is of a disapproving quality. It means being too friendly to someone or praising them in order to get advantages. "奉承", "巴结", or "讨好" would be excellent translations. (Example: Have you seen the disgusting way she makes up to the boss?)

3. When you do something good for someone you have upset in order to become friendly with them again, you make it up to them ("make it up to sb", not "make up to sb"). You might as well translate it as "补偿" or "弥补". (Example: I'm sorry we can't take you with us, but I promise I'll make it up to you somehow.)