there happend to be ...为什么用where不用it


因为是there be "有..."的句型,加上的 happend to 只是表示“碰巧有”
e.g. There happened to be an English teacher there, so I asked him how to read this word.那里正好有个英语老师,所以我就去问他怎么读这个单词。
若是用it happened to sb.表示“某人碰巧。。。”
第1个回答  2012-03-09
there be 结构的谓语动词,有时候不用Te,而用seem to be, happen to be, used to be或类似表示“存在”概念的其他动词,例如“ exist, live, stand, come”
例如There happened to be no person in the hall.
There seems something wrong with the machine.
There once lived an old fishman in a village by the sea.
第2个回答  2012-03-03
第3个回答  2012-03-03