
The weaknesses of the early suspension bridges in storms or under repeated rhythmic loads were fatal for most of them. in 1831 the Broughton suspension bridge collapsed because of oscillations set up by a body of troops marching in step. Four other bridges in the U.S. and Britain were destroyed simply by the impact of flocks of sheep or droves of cattle. The Chain Pier Bridge at Brighton, Sussex, and the Union Bridge over the Tweed at Berwick. Northumberland, were both blown down. The first railway suspension bridge, built in I830 to carry the Stockton and Darlington Railway over the Tees, was hammered to destruction in a few years by the weight and impact of the trains. In the U.S.the Fairmount Bridge. supported by a number of small wire cables, over the Schuylkill River, was a success, but a 1.000-foot (300-metre) span ever the Ohio River at Wheeling, West Virginia, survived only five years.
The collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, at Puget Sound, in 1940, only 4 months after its
completion and after more than 50 years of immunity from suspension-bridge failure of this kind, brought the study of aerodynamic stability sharply to the fore. This bridge was by far the most flexible among its contemporaries, it had a span of 2.800 feet (853-metres) with a width of only 39 feet (12-etres) . and the deck was stiffened throughout its length not by the deep open trusses formerly used but by two plate girders only 8 feet (2. 4-metres) deep. Under quite moderate winds, the deck not only swayed sideways but also was subject to severe torsional (twisting) vibrations, and ultimately, in a wind of only 42 miles (70-kilometres) per hour, the vibrations became so violent that the deck was torn away and crashed into the water. Other U.S. suspension bridges had also shown undesirable aerodynamic action, and further bracing or stiffening was quickly incorporated.
A committee appointed to investigate the Tacoma failure found that the oscillations caused by wind were due to (1) natural turbulence or gusts and (2) the eddies created by the solid cross section and shed from the bridge structure.A dangerous buildup of oscillations, possibly leading to collapse. might result if the frequency of the eddies coincided with any of the natural frequencies of oscillation of the bridge. Bridge designers thereafter reverted to the use of heavy, stiff deck structures to provide torsional rigidity and also left longitudinal openings or slots along the deck, between the dual roadways and the girders, similar to the antistall slots originally used in the wings of aircraft. All these modifications were adopted for the Tacoma Narrows II Bridge, completed in 1950. in which width and rigidity were considerably increased as compared with its predecessor, and also for the Mackinac Bridge, the Forth Road Bridge, and others.

早期的缺点在风暴悬索桥或承受反复荷载作用下最致命的节奏。在1831年,机悬索桥因振荡倒塌设立的身体的军队行军合拍了。四其他桥梁在美国和英国被简单的影响而一群群的绵羊或成群的牛。在布赖顿码头桥链、苏塞克斯、与工会在Berwick大桥的斜纹软呢。诺森伯兰郡,都被刮倒。第一条铁路悬索桥,始建于I830把斯托克顿和用铁路在三通,破坏了锤在几年后体重的影响的火车。在U.S.the仙山的山区小镇桥。支持大量的小电线电缆,在斯库基尔河旁河,是一个成功者,但-foot 1.000(300米)的跨度曾经在西弗吉尼亚的俄亥俄河,西维吉尼亚,仅仅存在五年。
完成并在超过50年的豁免这种suspension-bridge失败,使空气动力稳定性研究的迅速出头。这座桥是迄今为止最灵活的在它的同时代人,它有一个跨越2.800英尺(853米)和宽仅39岁英尺(12-etres)。和甲板上而不是在它的长度筋深层开放以前用桁架由两个板梁只有8英尺(2。4-metres)深。 风在相当温和,甲板上不仅动摇侧身也受到严重的扭转振动(扭),最终,在风里只有42英里(70 -公里每小时,振动变得如此暴力的甲板被撕开,撞到水面。其他美国的悬索桥也在显示不良的空气动力学行为,并进一步支撑或硬很快就被成立。
